1st Cycle. Quitting .Pct help
Propionate Depot
I started 2 weeks ago on my first cycle Test Enanthtate and Masteron Propionate depot and i have decided to quit. i have done 4 shots of Test 200 mg each and 4 Masteron 100 mg each. Can you guys explain to me as dummy proof as you an since my native language isn't english what i should take for PCt and how much of it. Can i do Tribulus and Nolva and skip HGC?
Propionate Depot
I started 2 weeks ago on my first cycle Test Enanthtate and Masteron Propionate depot and i have decided to quit. i have done 4 shots of Test 200 mg each and 4 Masteron 100 mg each. Can you guys explain to me as dummy proof as you an since my native language isn't english what i should take for PCt and how much of it. Can i do Tribulus and Nolva and skip HGC?