1st cycle Test-E, Dbol


Starting my cycle today
Weeks 1-12 Test-E 500MG twice a week
Weeks 1-4 30-40MG Dbol ED

Height 5'9
Weight 175
BF around 10%

clean diet

First stick: left bicep, easy stick, minor discomfort after injection, which im guessing is normal. did stick at about 2, and 30MG of Dbol at 4, gunna go to the gym at 5
made a mistake ment to say weeks 1-12 Test-E 250MG twice a week... total of 500 a week my bad...anyways went to the gym today, no real noticable effects, maybe a little placebo but nothing to much
2nd day, pinning site a little sore, nothing to bad, ate a good breakfast, whey protein shake, oatmeal, 4 eggs whites 1 full egg, and a good 2nd meal, spinach, roast beef, gunna go to the gym in a couple hours

went to the gym good chest back workout, ate a good dinner nothing really to say
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i have just injected 2ml of summet called test-mix400mg i never done it before i was shakin ive put about a cm of air in my tricep forgettin to get it out i struggled to fil the pin my arm is foookin killin me its the next day i still train but its propppa sore whats happenin

i know i shouldnt have done the air lol

but is it usually sore like this i can hardly bend my arm

i have just injected 2ml of summet called test-mix400mg i never done it before i was shakin ive put about a cm of air in my tricep forgettin to get it out i struggled to fil the pin my arm is foookin killin me its the next day i still train but its propppa sore whats happenin

i know i shouldnt have done the air lol

but is it usually sore like this i can hardly bend my arm

In English please.
day 3 about 545pm just took 30 mg dbol gunna hit the gym in an hour, had work all day,ate pretty good, can definetly tell i got a little more of an appetite then usual tho have not weighed myself or anything so couldnt tell u any gains...

i know these post are pretty short, but it is only day 3... not much is gunna happen till at least another couple days so if anyone is following this stay with me
def following you, thinking about doing the same cycle? in a month or two what do u have in the garage for post cycle therapy (pct) when your done, just curious? any reason why u chose test e over cyp?
did my second pin today in the R glute, site is a little sore same soreness my bicep had the first stick a little, today was day 4, tomorrow will be day 5, took a day off from the gym gunna hit it hard tomorrow, was kinda dissappointed in my diet today, didnt have time to eat as much as i should have had to supplement with shakes i dont normally like to do that, got legs tomorrow

as for results, still havent weighed myself want to give it a solid week or so... could just be me or the mirror but i feel like i am putting on a little size and i definetly went up in weight doin arms and shoulders yesterday so even if it is just placebo effect still im puttin up more weight so ill take it haha but like DFP said it should be kickin in soon we will see how i feel tomorrow
and to answer your quetion DFP no real reason, researched them both and heard good things about both, some people like TEST C some people like TEST E i must have just read a better review or something somewhere that made me think to go with TEST E but im sure either one would work the same
i personally think 1000mg test-e is a bit much. maybe 600mg-800mg is adequate for a first timer. you dont wanna clog up your receptors...
thank you blood, anyways... today is day 5 glute isnt to bad from the injection yesterday, my diet is back on track again i guess ill just chalk up yesterday to a cheat day... couldnt help myself after posting on here last night and weighed myself, i usually bounce around 175-178 and i was at 184 yesterday, so im gaining some weight and strength went up as i said yesterday so im heading in the right direction, got legs today at the gym
wasnt able to get on yesterday, ate good went to the gym did chest and back, definetly had a strength gain, dont know about size yet... today going to do arms and shoulders, been eating pretty good still nothing to much to say, waiting for everything to kick in before this will get interesting i think teh DBOL is starting to kick in as i can tell there is a big strength increase in everything and i dont get fatigued as fast
Hey man, just wondering what you plan on using for post cycle therapy (pct)? I'll be starting the same cycle (my first) as soon as i get the post cycle therapy (pct) stuff. Still trying to figure out what to get though...
Yeah, thats what i'm thinking too. Going to start my cycle tomorrow now that i got my Arimidex. I'll be doing 300mg Test E twice a week and 40mg Dbol a day... Any updates on results?