I had deleted a large portion of the first post because it was sort of an essay.
~~ I ran 2 cycles of mdrol. both with proper post cycle therapy (pct). Kept 17lbs first cycle no lie. Dirty bulk looked amazing tho. insane strength gains. the second cycle wasnt as fantastic of course.
~~~ so even tho this is my first cycle of REAL AAS, I have experienced dramatic gains before so I have read just test will not be as crazy to me since I "blew up" once already I gained 22lbs dirty bulk put on SOME fat. but started from 15% and had just "primed" aka cut for 10 weeks before that so my body was eager to pack on.
This is why I included epistane, and am hoping to include an oral at the end. Was thinking tbol, Or Winstrol (winny). But at my bf will Winstrol (winny) make a noticable (visible) difference really? I would love to use it for the strength, I already run a join repair supp