1st cycle test E, epistane great genetics :)

I just went in the bathroom at work and took these 2. Not pumped and Not great lighting... lol. Really tho in person at 220 and 17" arms I look like something. these pics are MEH. Even tho I have veins on my delts and upper chest u cant see them in the pics :/ I have all my posing pics on an SD card. I will post them around week 8 and again around week 13-14.
I had deleted a large portion of the first post because it was sort of an essay.

~~ I ran 2 cycles of mdrol. both with proper post cycle therapy (pct). Kept 17lbs first cycle no lie. Dirty bulk looked amazing tho. insane strength gains. the second cycle wasnt as fantastic of course.

~~~ so even tho this is my first cycle of REAL AAS, I have experienced dramatic gains before so I have read just test will not be as crazy to me since I "blew up" once already I gained 22lbs dirty bulk put on SOME fat. but started from 15% and had just "primed" aka cut for 10 weeks before that so my body was eager to pack on.

This is why I included epistane, and am hoping to include an oral at the end. Was thinking tbol, Or Winstrol (winny). But at my bf will Winstrol (winny) make a noticable (visible) difference really? I would love to use it for the strength, I already run a join repair supp
Had an amazing AMAZING chest workout on the 24th. Felt soooo nice. on the 19th i pyramided up to 315 for 1. Nice strength increase. This chest day was more of a pre-exhaust day. BUT i started with Incline DB press, Normally dont do these, and I pyramided up to 100 x7 .

~~ The pumps are pretty crazy. Especially on calves If i dont stand up immediately after my set and stretch the pumps become very painful.

~~ everyday morning wood. (was not previous to this) my libido is ridiculous.

I do notice i have a smile on my face a lot for no real reason. (this could be due to me taking 60mg epistane daily )

Definitely in an overall better mood.

A bit back when doing my right quad i hit a nerve, and this caused a mental block on pinning. so today i finally came over it and stuck er in the right 1 again. and went well. Either way I got over my anxiety with pinning and fear of hitting a nerve. I noticed i can actually notice when the pin tip breaks thru the fascia vs going thru fat

Cant really say much to weight, I dont think im really gaining much it fluctuates like + - 5-9lbs writing this i weigh 224 before bed. Everyday I look better and better. The scale isnt rly doing much for me . Part of me thinks im not eating as much as i should. Not sure because my weight wont stay steady. I dont like my stomach feeling bloated like this so i do more cardio and take mroe fiber. Takes my weight down to around 217. then i eat a few bad things im at 224!

~~ This log has a few gaps I filled in with a personal log i use for minor things and notes.

~~ my head is pretty much always itchy. No hair loss tho
Well if you are eating enough your real gains will start to come in now. The test will kick in full go by the end of the week.
My workouts are always amazing. today was back biceps rear delts. I raised the reps a bit to 8-10 this week back felt very full. PUMPS

~~ no pip today
Ok so update!! ; I weigh about 225 in the morning. Benched 300x5 the other day. Went for second set and realized my shoulder didnt want to. My bench wen up about 50 lbs in a very short period. (this is expected I used to bench around 365) think im just overusing my shoulders.

I had a routine where I trained each muscle 3x in a 2 week time period. with enough rest etc etc and I just need to tone it down a little with the session count my strength is way up and tendons cant recover.

~~ epistane i have been running 30mg preworkout its nearing week 6 about to drop it. just started getting lower back pumps im not liking them. it did great and Im glad to be oral free,,,, for now >:D

the pumps. just crazy.poppin bloodvessels on my biceps bc i was doing the whole stack (-2 plates) for pulldowns x8. Heavyyy for me. They feel so damn good.

~~recovery is of course way quicker in and out of the gym.

~~~ I really DONT have an appetite tho. What would I be able to do to really increase myappetite>?
INJURY!!!! LEFT SHOULDER :/ :/ :/ :/ :crying:

The weird part... I had done a shoulder workout. a few hours later did my shot in my left shoulder. First time with 1" needle so I was unsure of the oilgetting in deepso I had my girlfrienddig her knuckles into my shoulder for a bit. didn't hurt. but made me feel a sort of spreading sensation of numbness. which iassumed was the gear. But after that my shoulder was HURTING.

I woke up the next morning (yesterday) and My shoulder is in excruciating pain. NOT COOL :/
What should I do drop my test dosage a little bit for a few weeks and bump it back up when ican resume rep training?? Im in the golden period of my test run don't want to get back into training at week 8 and not make gains. can I lower the test dosage until my shoulder feels good ?
How bad is it? I definitely don't think you should push yourself until you're healed, but if you feel like it will be g2g in a week or 2, I'd leave your dose where it is. You can still make great gains in other areas.
And worst case, just get another vial and extend by a couple weeks.
its pretty bad. Hurts that's for sure. the pain is where the side delt connects to the bicep and tricep about 2" below the injection spot really where she massaged. im just not sure if SHE actually injured me from massaging to hard? like she caused the muscle tissue bruising or something? It hurts only when I raise the arm without assistance. Stretching the shoulder at any angle doesn't hurt except 1 angle which makes the area very tight. (which suggests bruising) but no bruising shown?
I wish I could help you on that, but its way out of my league! Sounds like either bruising (which I doubt was caused by the massage unless you're dating Wonder Woman!). More likely its a strained muscle or tendon. Keep it stable and try and ice/heat regimen to see if that helps the pain a bit. Either way, let it rest and heal brother.
haha it wasn't a massage really was more of her kneading her knuckles as hard as she can into my shoulder. (and she might not be wonder woman but she is STRONG as hell haha she is on her 6th week of epistane.. :P)
So Im not sure whats goin on with my shoulder. I think my girlfriend just bruised my left side delt. I benched heavy yesterday doing 285 for 3 sets of 6. No shoulder issues. (im stretching my chest and shoulder like its my JOB)

~~ woke up this morning weighing 230. pleased with my results!!

~~ I have absolutely needed to add in cheat meals 2-3x a week. I always do them about an hour after a BIG workout (after my PWO shake of course) .

~~ I also noticed that my weight gain halted for about 5 days. so I started drinking double glasses of milk and eating cottage cheese immediately before bed. and my strength and weight started increasing almost immediately. I wasn't taking advantage of being so damn anabolic while sleeping.... In future cycles I will definitely wake up and have a shake in the middle of the night. seems like it would do a world of good.

~~~~~ ONLY SIDE EFFECTS TO NOTE ; I STINK. and I mean WREAK LIKE SHIT when I workout lol. I sweat and just a foul odor (I can most closely place it to smelling like oil...) emanates from me. I have night sweats. most profound after injection. DURING these sweats I lose about 3-5lbs of water. for example.. I went to bed last night weighing 235.2... woke up this morning pretty much lightly soaked in sweat and weighed 230.0. I think this is ridiculous and makes my bed smell like absolute shit. my girlfriend does not like this lol. I wish I didn't sweat like this at night... :/