1st Time Cycle


New member
I'm so anxious but nervous to start my cycle. I am an avid weight lifter and a personal trainer. I love bodybuilding and the art of it. I have been doing research on gear for so many years and just now decided to try it out. The only thing that is stopping me right now is part of my diet and that's Sodium. I eat great but average around 6,000mg of sodium a day in my diet when it says I should be around 2,500. Once I get that under control I will start my cycle.

Liquid Dbol 50mg/day (5 week kicker)
Test Cypionate 400mg/week (Monday/Thursday)
PCT: Nolvadex 40,40,20,20
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let us know how the liver cyst or tumors come out, we usually only get gyno pics. so your liver would be a nice change
Like Bhrees said, your liver is in for one hell of a ride. How have you been studying AAS for years and not know how long to run dbol for?
Thank you for noticing my error. The dbol will be ran at 5 weeks. Don't know why I put 12, prolly cuz I have 12 weeks worth of gear. The dbol will only act as a kicker.
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Thank you for noticing my error. The dbol will be ran at 5 weeks. Don't know why I put 12, prolly cuz I have 12 weeks worth of gear. The dbol will only act as a kicker.

lol ok good move, 12 would have been interesting, you all swelled up, busting with estrogen and pissing brown. now that you modified it my question is how long on the test? 12,14 or 16 weeks ?

whats your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) med, start it day one after you pin
that would of been something to see for sure. The plan right now is 12 weeks on the test. I have a local strong man competition coming up July 6th, so I'd like to be on during that. For post cycle therapy (pct) my guy had me go with Nolvadex. Now I hadn't planned on starting it right after pin. But I'm open for suggestions. I see some people do start right away to avoid gyno problems. Think it's a good idea? Thanks
Take a look at my pictures in my album. I'm 192lbs. I was 169 not too long ago. Upped my calories and cleaned out my diet. I know how to lift and I don't fuck around when I do. I'm 6ft. I squat 415 and thats ass to grass not box squat! My bench is slowly going up, it's always been my hard spot but she's up to 315 right now. Deadlift is 425 and moving.
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that would of been something to see for sure. The plan right now is 12 weeks on the test. I have a local strong man competition coming up July 6th, so I'd like to be on during that. For post cycle therapy (pct) my guy had me go with Nolvadex. Now I hadn't planned on starting it right after pin. But I'm open for suggestions. I see some people do start right away to avoid gyno problems. Think it's a good idea? Thanks

dont confuse Aromatase inhibitor (AI) meds that you need on cycle with post cycle therapy (pct), you will require something like aromasin, arimidex or letrozole while on to control e2 conversion and side effects of high estrogen
yea I have arimidex while on in case of any problems

You should implement its use from day one not on an "in case" basis. Might have misinterpreted what you said but its how I took it. Start Adex from day one and continue up until just before pct
I was reading about people starting it on day one. Didn't know if that was just personal preference or a must. So what is the mg intake per day then? Thanks
I was reading about people starting it on day one. Didn't know if that was just personal preference or a must. So what is the mg intake per day then? Thanks

It's not about personal preference. It's about how your body adapts to exogenous test use by aromatizing the free testosterone to maintain homeostasis. You might not notice high estrogen levels until symptoms appear (gyno, oily skin, mood swings, etc) but your estrogen levels will be elevated for sure. The use of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from day 1 is to counteract the aromatization and keep your test levels high while maintain estrogen around baseline levels.

You said you have anastrozole (Arimidex), start off with a simple dosage plan of 0.25mg/EOD and after a few weeks get bloodwork. Tailor your dose from there according to the results of bloodwork. 0.25mg/EOD may be enough for you or you may need to bump it up to ED or go up to a 0.5mg dose.
How do you guys feel about take hCG while on cycle? I was told to take hCG throughout the whole cycle 10,12,14 weeks? I am not sure how long he will be on...
How do you guys feel about take hCG while on cycle? I was told to take hCG throughout the whole cycle 10,12,14 weeks? I am not sure how long he will be on...

I feel like you should respect the OP's thread and start your own. This is his cycle log not anyone else's.
IMO adex, or any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) isn't necessary until you feel you could do with less water/puffy. Allowing a little water/aroma is good for strength.