Hi I've run a few cycles now trying tren for the 1st time here's what my cycle looks like any info or help on doses highly appreciated
Week 1-10 400mg test cyp
Week 1-10 400mg test enanthate
Week 1-4 40mg ed dbol
Now here's my problem area pct all I can get my hands on is these pct caps they have this in each pill
25mg Proviron
50mg Clomid
20mg Tamoxifen
And I've been advised to have 1 in the morning and one in the evening will this be adequate I've read up saying use armidex at .25 eod is this essential any advice please . Thanks
Week 1-10 400mg test cyp
Week 1-10 400mg test enanthate
Week 1-4 40mg ed dbol
Now here's my problem area pct all I can get my hands on is these pct caps they have this in each pill
25mg Proviron
50mg Clomid
20mg Tamoxifen
And I've been advised to have 1 in the morning and one in the evening will this be adequate I've read up saying use armidex at .25 eod is this essential any advice please . Thanks
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