1st timer questions before cycle!!!

Hello All,
Relatively new to this site and love it so far! Its so informative and so many people with knowledge and experience. I have been reading and researching for weeks now using mainly this site. Anyway...

I am about to delve into my first cycle in the world of aas and I am very excited! I have everything I need to start, went to get blood work done and just waiting for the results to really get going(although I am pretty sure results will be fine just doing it as a precaution and to measure against after cycle). I have been training for about 10 years off and on, mostly on, and I know how to train smart, hard, and consistently. I believe my diet is mostly in check as well.

My cycle will be as follows:
Week 1-15:
Test-E-500mg/EW 2 pins(Wed and Sun)

Week 11-17
Anavar (var) 50mg ED

PCT with Clomid after last dose of Anavar (var) : 100/100/50/50

So I figured I would use the Anavar (var) as a bridge of sorts as well as use it toward the end of the cycle to lean out. The Anavar (var) and test only overlap for 5 weeks(11-15) so not sure if this is good or bad. I want to get bigger and stronger obviously, but also stay as lean as possible.

Some questions are:
-Is 17 weeks too long for my first cycle? I am 32 years old and worried that my natural test may be shut down for too long and its not like I am 20 years old anymore.
-What is a good BF% to be at starting cycle? As of right now I am probably around 13 or 14%. I am 6'4", 252lbs, 32 yrs old. I have a flat stomach and blurred abs but not a ripped 6 pack.
-Should I try to get more Anavar (var) to run it longer than just 7 weeks? Some say Anavar (var) has diminishing returns after 6 weeks others say it is a waste to run it less than 8 lol..
-How much bloat does the Test give you? I was hoping to avoid that "bloated" look as I really look bad with it. My face gets really fat and I look like I have double chins lol. This would not stop me from doing it just wondering.
-Does the Test help with joints like Deca does, even a little bit?
-And this last question may sound kind of stupid but its bothering me.. I have a knee injury which cannot be healed unless I have a major surgery which I just cannot do any time soon for Anavar (var) ious reason. Long story short I will not be able to squat AT ALL. I can do leg extensions and the leg press machine fairly light but that's it. Will this severely hinder my results as squats are so important for overall growth?

Also was wondering if someone could suggest some supps to take for help with liver and high blood pressure as mine is a little high already(nothing crazy). Or any supps that are just a good idea to take while on cycle.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice. I have come to trust this forum very much and all information will be appreciated. Also feel free to comment on anything I mentioned not related specifically to my questions.
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i would just run the cycle for 15 weeks and run the Anavar (var) until last test injection to be safe , body fat is best kept below 15% when starting, Anavar (var) dosing is good how you have it ,you will probably put at least 10lb's of water retention bloat on if ur not using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) , if u want to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) run arimidex at .5 every other day from first day of cycle on stop on day pct starts . test wont help your joints like other aas , not being able to squat will not hinder your gains and results , you will still grow but train legs to the best of your ability , taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) through cycle like arimidex will help keep blood pressure down from estrogen sides , liv 52 is great liver supp , you may also want to look into some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on or before pct , Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will give you a faster and smoother recovery into pct
if you run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) , do 500iu for 10 days straight (5000iu vial) stopping 5 days before u start post cycle therapy (pct), other than that this is a good standard first cycle and everythign looks good to go , remember keep sodium intake low as possible to minimize water retention , good luck
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Some questions are:
-Is 17 weeks too long for my first cycle? I am 32 years old and worried that my natural test may be shut down for too long and its not like I am 20 years old anymore.
-What is a good BF% to be at starting cycle? As of right now I am probably around 13 or 14%. I am 6'4", 252lbs, 32 yrs old. I have a flat stomach and blurred abs but not a ripped 6 pack.
-Should I try to get more Anavar (var) to run it longer than just 7 weeks? Some say Anavar (var) has diminishing returns after 6 weeks others say it is a waste to run it less than 8 lol..
-How much bloat does the Test give you? I was hoping to avoid that "bloated" look as I really look bad with it. My face gets really fat and I look like I have double chins lol. This would not stop me from doing it just wondering.
-Does the Test help with joints like Deca does, even a little bit?
-And this last question may sound kind of stupid but its bothering me.. I have a knee injury which cannot be healed unless I have a major surgery which I just cannot do any time soon for Anavar (var) ious reason. Long story short I will not be able to squat AT ALL. I can do leg extensions and the leg press machine fairly light but that's it. Will this severely hinder my results as squats are so important for overall growth?

Also was wondering if someone could suggest some supps to take for help with liver and high blood pressure as mine is a little high already(nothing crazy). Or any supps that are just a good idea to take while on cycle.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice. I have come to trust this forum very much and all information will be appreciated. Also feel free to comment on anything I mentioned not related specifically to my questions.

-Nice cycle, but I would up the Anavar (var) to 60-80mg ED if you can.
-Less than 15% is fine, single digits is ideal.
-Yes, increase the dose of Anavar (var) and run it 8 weeks.
-If you have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) then the bloat is negligible.
-I've never really had joint problems (other than my knees) and haven't noticed any significant improvement with my joints from test alone. That said, test will make you retain some water and water lubricates the joints, so it makes sense it would have some benefit.
-Can you deadlift? If so, deadlift heavy and burn those legs with volume. If you can't deadlift...still burn your legs with volume. Use lunges and lunge Anavar (var) iants if you can for the legs, they make a good substitute for squats and add in machine exercises where necessary (when I say volume I mean 10-20 reps, drop sets, 20-30 sets total, etc.).

N2 Guard should cover you on liver and blood pressure...as will cranberry concentrate/extract combined with milk thistle.

P.S. I would make sure to have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like adex or aromasin and run it the duration of your cycle to keep bloat down (this will also help with your blood pressure)...I would also invest in some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and blast it @ 500-1000iu/day for 10 days after you last jab of test...Otherwise, good luck and have fun!
bump the Anavar (var), post up a pic lets get your bf% accurate. most users post in around 12-13% more like 18-20% bf.

run a test e 500/week for 12, recover , keep gains (crucial) and see how you do with that first.
i would just run the cycle for 15 weeks and run the Anavar (var) until last test injection to be safe , body fat is best kept below 15% when starting, Anavar (var) dosing is good how you have it ,you will probably put at least 10lb's of water retention bloat on if ur not using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) , if u want to use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) run arimidex at .5 every other day from first day of cycle on stop on day post cycle therapy (pct) starts . test wont help your joints like other aas , not being able to squat will not hinder your gains and results , you will still grow but train legs to the best of your ability , taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) through cycle like arimidex will help keep blood pressure down from estrogen sides , liv 52 is great liver supp , you may also want to look into some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on or before post cycle therapy (pct) , Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) will give you a faster and smoother recovery into post cycle therapy (pct)

Will this make recovery harder if I stop both the Anavar (var) and test at the same time? I was hoping that by running the Anavar (var) an extra 2 weeks after the test was done it would kind of help me transition off of the test before I started the clomid.
Also is water retention guaranteed in everyone that does test or is it dependant upon the person? I do not have any Aromatase inhibitor (AI), only clomid which I know is a SERM, and its kinda late for me to get one now, unless I ask my doctor for an RX im probably hit. What would be a reason besides gear someone would need arimidex?
@MattyIce. Thanks for the advice bro, I just really want to do the Anavar (var) as well. Initially I wanted to do a Anavar (var) only cycle, but after reading the forums here realized I needed test also. However I have a few friends who used Anavar (var) and they look amazing. Anavar (var) was the main reason I wanted to get into aas to be honest I just heard so much great stuff about it. I mean these guys swear by Anavar (var) .

Also I will post a pic pretty soon, just not sure how to block out my face. But regardless I really don't think I am anywhere near 20% BF. Mabe slightly higher than 13% but not that high lol.
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no , stopping Anavar (var) and test at the same time will not make recovey harder , everyone will get water retention from test , arimidex is used to keep estrogen under control , which is very importanat because high estrogen leads to another ball park of problems , gyno , high blood pressure , etc , check the board sponsor rui for arimidex , its easy to get and legit and u will need it .
How do you dose the liquidex? Can I just start my cycle and then add in the liquidex later or do I have to start it when I start the cycle? Also I have heard ai's have their own side effects which can be bad, what are some of these? Lastly, if I start my cycle and do not notice any adverser effects from the test, maybe I don't even need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) corect? It even says in the steroid profiles for test e that not all people will need an ai..
How do you dose the liquidex? Can I just start my cycle and then add in the liquidex later or do I have to start it when I start the cycle? Also I have heard ai's have their own side effects which can be bad, what are some of these? Lastly, if I start my cycle and do not notice any adverser effects from the test, maybe I don't even need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) corect? It even says in the steroid profiles for test e that not all people will need an ai..
Always use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) just in case. Arimedex will help with bloat, acne and gyno. I strongly reccomend you use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimedex. Better safe than sorry. Good luck with your cycle.
Always use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) just in case. Arimedex will help with bloat, acne and gyno. I strongly reccomend you use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimedex. Better safe than sorry. Good luck with your cycle.

^ This. Having it on hand at the VERY MINIMUM is what I would recommend. It also never hurts to have a blood test 4-6 weeks into your cycle to see how everything is going. I haven't had any sides from Adex, but everyone is different. ;)