20 Week Blast... Lean Bulk.. Would like advice


New member
Week 1 to 20, 150mg Test C, EOD
Week 1 to 20, 150mg NPP, EOD
Week 1 to 6, 80mg Var ED
Week 14 to 20, 50mg Tbol ED
Back to TRT dose

Arimidex 0.5mg EOD
400 i.u HCG EOD

Would like input from the vets.
Week 1 to 20, 150mg Test C, EOD
Week 1 to 20, 150mg NPP, EOD
Week 1 to 6, 80mg Var ED
Week 14 to 20, 50mg Tbol ED
Back to TRT dose

Arimidex 0.5mg EOD
400 i.u HCG EOD

Would like input from the vets.

Why are you going to pin test c eod ? 2 times a week is more than enough with long esters like test c. And i would use deca over npp for 20 weeks. Tbol for the 6 first weeks and var at the end is how i would have done it !!
Why are you going to pin test c eod ? 2 times a week is more than enough with long esters like test c. And i would use deca over npp for 20 weeks. Tbol for the 6 first weeks and var at the end is how i would have done it !!

I'm doing NPP EOD, I'm just going to put the Test in the same syringe.

I want to leave the Anavar towards the end, just in case I need to do a mini cut, if there's too much fat accumulation
Should I start caber right away or wait to see if I have pro lactin sides?

If you can controlyour estrogen you wont need caber imo. Caber and Prami is all hyped up and its not a must. But if you not control your estrogen than prolactin will be a problem.
Short estered form of nandrolone, very long cycle... makes no sense to me whatsoever, unless you have a fetish for pinning and want to end up like a voodoo doll!
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