20 week cycle crituque, start of blast and c***se


New member
Have aramosin and caber on hand. Will be running 12.5 or 25 mg aromasin per day.

Weeks 1-6 TBOL @ 60 mg
1-10 Test E @ 500 mg
1-8 NPP @ 525 mg

10-20 Test E @ 250 mg
10-20 Tren E @ 400 mg


14-20 Anavar @ 100 mg

Been back in the gym about 6 months. I'm planning on blasting and c***sing, so not worried about PCT.

BF- ? Low

Looking to put on some quality size and harden up towards end of cycle. After cycle, I'll c***se on 150-200 mg test, then add Tren back in.
Quick thought before I even get into this...I count 5 different compounds...HUH ? I would like you to try to justify this. Do you really think you body is going to be able to recognize the changing of compounds enough to utilize the synergism of the changes and attributes of all these.

A simple question I ask. Hey I might learn something here. SO without getting offended can you please explain your thinking?

Also what is your cycle history as well as training. You say your back in the gym 6 whole months, so how long were you out.
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Reason there are 5 compounds, I know our bodies get used to substances, so instead of running a 16-20 week test/deca, wanted to switch from npp to Tren. Prolly won't run var at end bc of cost. Been out of gym for 4 months before last 6, when my daughter was born. I've run test only, test with dbol kicker, test and Tren 2-3 years ago, last year ran test with sdrol first 2 and last 2 weeks.
Ok back to ya Hester...

You know you can cut as well as bulk with Test. I know you are wanting to bulk and Tren is a great Mass builder we all know no water retention.
IMOP still cut this back. The inability for your receptors have to be,... just violated so to speak and I don't think you have done that with your limited # 's of cycle. OK I think you can trust me on that , others will chime in when they disagree.
Here's my suggestion :

Wk 1-6 Tbol 60 mgs
Wk 1-12 Test 500mgs
wk 13-20 Tren 400mgs
wk 13-20 Test 250-300 mgs

Adex .5 E3D max and then lower at wk 13 to maybe by 1/2 But it will be time to get bloods to monitor.
Cialis for ED . 5mg ED should help and higher if needed.
Caber when and if you get Anorgasmia (difficult to orgasm)

PCT by others no experience myself

This in itself will be a hell of a cycle and really all you need to accomplish a good lean type bulk if you keep the diet in check and you Estradiol level and appropriate. Water retention might need a watch with the 500mgs test, But as you probably know not a lot of aromatase with the low dose. Keep close to E2 cause so many other sides.., Appetite, energy , positive attitude and more. The Tren you know can cause fatigue for so many. Breathing can be affected.

So next so much depends on you training. The E2 out of sync can hurt your training. Lower Tren if need but keep it going nothing wrong with making changes to dial Tren in. Long 20 weeks Good cycle training is knowing when rest is needed. Ok to take a time here and there to lighten up. Hard to work like a fvcking beast for a long cycle.

Ok so you knew all this but I juust wanna help psych you up and keep all sensible and safe.

Good Luck. Keep us posted no matter what you do :wavey:
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Hey Hester...I know you may not like my suggestion . But that's quite alright. But please come back and tell us all what your final decision is, Please.
I don't understand why no one has said much , good bad or indifferent. Any other suggestions or disagreements with my proposal :dunno:

And I really want to follow this cycle, OK :spin:
I'm gona forget the oral in second half of cycle. Started out wanting to do sdrol 20 mg weeks 1-2 and 9-10. But not worth feeling tired and like shit. But man that stuff works wonders.

I guess I could run NPP 100 mg eod, instead of 150 mg, if ppl think that much gear is a waste.

I'm not running pct. going to stay on low dose test year around and blast and c***se. I'm going to do what you laid out, but using aramosin instead of adex. And still wanting to run NPP 1-8, then 2 weeks test only, before starting tren. I've never ran Deca. Wanting to hit the NPP, don't think that's long enough of a cycle, and will probably have some dirty weight from it, and body will start to reduce gains at that point. That's why thinking 2 weeks test and come back swinging with the Tren. Your post did get me pumped up. I ordered today.
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Preciate you taking the time to type all that out and the advice bro. I've already scratched $500 worth of anavar and 4 iu's of hgh from cycle. Like you said, diet for bulking or cutting. It's just having extra spending cash makes me like a kid in a candy store planning a cycle lol. Especially not having to worry about PCT.
Also fyi- NPP is pretty much Deca, but with a shorter ester..food for thought. It also clears your system 6 weeks faster than Deca..
Sticking with tbol test and Tren. Decided against NPP. Now just have to decide to run Tren 1-10 at 400, 10-20 at 400, or 1-20 at 200 mg.