20 years old - 1st Test E Cycle?


New member
I'm 20 years old, 200lbs, 5'10"-5'11" lift 5-6 days a week for a couple years. Roughly 12-14% body fat. Haven't grown in height since 10-11 grade. considering starting my first test e cycle wondering if anyone had any information that may help me out. Thanks.
You said you are done growing in height, but is your endocrine system done developing?

Read the FAQs thread I have linked below in my signature. It talks about what happens if you cycle before age 25.
I think you should do some research on test and learn all u can about sides pct and gyno. But I know from experience your gonna do a cycle no matter what advice your given not busting ur balls just trying to help anyways first cycles test only 300-500 mg a week 12 weeks then do ur pct just make sure u arm yourself with all the research you can do and yes u can find all the info u need at this board just be smart and be safe
I've got an idea...

Let's look at the peaks and troughs of an average male's natural testosterone levels.

And then promptly take it off him at his peak - and give him some false stuff.

Heck, on top of that, why not throw some risk in there and say that he might never get his own levels back again.

Oh what the fuck, while we are at it, why not tell him that he isn't going to grow anymore too - and compound that with debilitating his endocrine system.

Does that sound like a fair world to live in OP? - I profer it doesn't....

So why on earth are you contemplating jeopardizing what god gave you, while it's at it peak, just for the sake of short term gains - of which 95% you will lose?
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You can still grow up until 25. Estrogen is what increases growth plate maturation and closes the growth plates. Aromatase inhibitors have been used successfully to increase adult height in people with short stature, by decreasing estrogen levels in the body and giving the bones more time to lengthen before the plates seal permanently.
To be fair, now a days, some young men in their 20's have the testosterone levels of a 95 y/o man. This can be secondary to poor lifestyle choices, but can also be attributed to all the garbage in our food, the synthetic estrogens in plastics and all the other crap we are exposed to on a daily basis. There is a lot of scientific data showing a steady and consistent decline in testosterone levels in males every decade.