200mg test, high tren, liquid t3


New member
Thoughts on this upcoming blast
Test 200mg/week
Tren 150mg/ eod
T3 unknown as I have never run T3 before
Thoughts, Thanks
Goals: leaning out
5'11 235lbs at 15 to 16 percent bf after my.bulk phase
I dont think you should do T3 your already lean just blow up fill out now T3 might eat you up including muscle
That pic of me on the other thread was from last year when I cut.at 185lbs
Been on a bulk for 7 months so I stand around 15 to 16 percent bf now bro
That pic of me on the other thread was from last year when I cut
Been on a bulk for 7 months so I stand around 15 to 16 percent bf now bro

Oh ok my bad i been wanting to try some myself ive used research stuff it was bunk. Im gonna check if Rui has it now that i think about it i can get human grade but the minimum purchase is out my price range. Have you tried higher tren? Sorry i use to knock your dosages back in the day i didnt know better i use the shit out of tren now lol
Yeah I run tren pretty.much every blast to either bulk or cut
Just donated bloods and waiting for my levels to.come down abit before I blast again tho
My previous blood work stated my liver emzimes were up abit not nothing high just up abit so just gonna wait abit
Nice clean sink! I still dont think you need T3 you look pretty lean dont mistake water or loose skin i think you can fill into your body adding more mass but i dont know too much about bf just my opinion.
Thks stuff scares me i see lean guys everyone says these high ass numbers makes me wonder if im like 40% bf lol
Between 50-100mcg is great. You won't lose muscle on a blast... especially including tren. I've been running 50mcg last three weeks, still gaining muscle on tren (and leaning out.) Zero sides.

When I increased to 100mcg daily I got a bit of lethargy for a few days, have since adjusted to that though :)
Yeah I run tren pretty.much every blast to either bulk or cut
Just donated bloods and waiting for my levels to.come down abit before I blast again tho
My previous blood work stated my liver emzimes were up abit not nothing high just up abit so just gonna wait abit
I been on tren most of last year at low dose like 50mg eod i went through fucked up times no money for gym not even good food rice and lentils almost all meals for a year! Tren is amazing at preserving muscle im doing 150 eod too but ive experimented way higher. My blood work is always good besides this last one good cholesterol was a little low but everything else flawless.
Yeah pretty much use the bb theory off season to bulk "winter" spring to cut down to a.good body fat percentage, my problem last year is i cut to long and didn't maintain and lost abit of.muscle in return
live and learn and that's why I went with 3j to properly diet this time around in my bulking phase and in my cut phase to keep me in check for this stubborn ass mind of mine
I been on tren most of last year at low dose like 50mg eod i went through fucked up times no money for gym not even good food rice and lentils almost all meals for a year! Tren is amazing at preserving muscle im doing 150 eod too but ive experimented way higher. My blood work is always good besides this last one good cholesterol was a little low but everything else flawless.

Lol, the trophy is because I'm special :D
That's what I was looking for prince as to what u feel like on T3 as myself I don't want to go crazy high with tren involved in the mix just curious on how it works with a proper diet, stoked to stack it with tren and see how it goes
U doing any cardio right now by chance as last year I did pretty much no cardio what so ever
Yeah at 50mcg I noticed zero sides. No cardio brother.

It doesn't "hit stubbon fat" or anything like that, it just increases metab_olic rate. Fat will still strip away from the easier to mobilize areas first. It will just happen a little quicker :)
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Also one more question
U split the dosage up 25mcg am 25mcg pm or just take it in one shot what's the life on T3?
Once per day brother. I have it all in the morning. Half-life is about 24hours, but it works mainly through gene expression so it takes a while to work, you should notice the increased weight loss by the third week. Starting at 50mcg is a great idea.

If you want something to actually hit the 'stubborn' areas, once you're nearing the end of your cut add in Clen for the last two weeks. If you've stripped enough fat off, alongside the T3 it will rip the stubborn area's off you quicksmart.

@49er Nah I'm not using RUI, I'm from Australia and can't get anything good through customs lol. Had no choice but to go domestic. If I had the option to go with RUI I absolutely would.
Nice clean sink! I still dont think you need T3 you look pretty lean dont mistake water or loose skin i think you can fill into your body adding more mass but i dont know too much about bf just my opinion.
Thks stuff scares me i see lean guys everyone says these high ass numbers makes me wonder if im like 40% bf lol

No way brother, you're just carrying a lot of lean mass which makes you look bigger regardless of body fat percentage. Thing is, you will also look like a fire-breathing monster when you decide to cut down to low percentages of body fat.

Matt: T3 is perfectly fine with the cycle you propose, especially since tren does tend to lower T3 output from the thyroid. Just be careful when pushing higher doses as you will start to feel like you're on a stimulant and start to sweat like a pig. Rui's stuff is very legit, and I've been running it off and on for quite awhile.

My .02c :)