21 and no boner! Help

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The sad part is that a badd day for me (3), would be an awesome day for you. What are you like 35, 40 maybe? Im 21 and on gear, test levels don't get NE higher than that brother. Lets not get too cocky shall we. I know you think your funny, but your gunna get into something thats going to embarass you. Peace Out.
Actually captain jackoff I'm the same age as you, and I'm on gear at the moment also. So I guess my test levels "cant get NE higher than that", so I'm a king ding-a-ling as well.

Embarass me eh? Ok then shoot, amuse me with your e-savy typing skills you big tuff boner toting stud you.
Take it easy there button. Im sure your on massive amounts of steroids, but don't let em get to ya. That roid rage is a bitch. Im just playing around with ya. BTW does pre-mature ejaculation mean anything to you?? haha. Thats probobly why your gurl hates to f*ck you, which would lead to your rediculus attitude. Taking gear and not getting laid must really blow. Oh well, there's always the b*tches on the street corner. You know what the really entertaining thing is? You started all this bull with your hott sh*t post. Maybe its that you can't BB worth sh*t, so your one of those fatt asses at 20 some odd percent that juices, hoping to get that asthetically pleasing look. That could be the reason for incompetant comments and mood swings. I really don't know, all I can do is imagine. Hope all is well. send your gurl my way if she ever gets tired of hopping on some hampster dick. Later bro.
That was honestly lame.

That's funny you should sit here and make accusations about me being a fat ass considering you're 5 foot fucking 4 inches and 170lbs.


The best apart about it is you go "I cycle regularly", hahaha. And what were you before you got into gear so heavily, 130lbs?

So now we've established that not only are you a faggot for not being able to get it up for a chick while on test but you're also about as tall as most people's dicks begin and as skinny as 95% of 12 year olds. You're a prepubescent faggot hiding behind a keyboard. You come back and chat when the general population hasn't blown loads that are bigger than you. Until then continue to have ball bags draped on your forehead like a beret you Joe Pesci clone. HAHahahah 170@ 5' 4"? You kill me. PM me your addy and I'll send you a cheeseburger you little faggot fuck.

Don't bother typing back. You're posts are lame as fuck.
haha, that was funny. You crack me up button. BTW since your such a hott sh*t maybe you'd like to post a few pics since your sooooooo much bigger than me. Im not the one saying that Im huge, cause Im not. However, you obviously think your somethin special. So lets see it tons of fun. You know just for kicks. Yes, I am calling you out. Can't wait to see this. "...hinding behind a keyboard" LOL. Looks like your doin most of the talkin here tough guy. Seriously, you are just making me laugh your unintelligence. A cheeseburger actually sounds good right now. Thx for the idea. Since your soooooooo huge though you might wanna look into some cutting stacks. No cheese burgers for you. Arn't you in that fat to fit thread, or whats it called? If you diet down nicely, and eat some subway, I can call you Jared. Its ok that my posts are lame, but its funny, because it prompts you to make more of your rediculus post that make me laugh. Im just playin with, hope you know. Nothin serious here. LOL.
This situation reminds me of a guy on a board who had 120 ng/dl of natty Total Test. That's right a grown man with the equivalent to a 12 y.o. girl. No matter what he did with eating right and taking tribulus and whatever on God's green earth he could think of to raise his natty Test, nothing worked for him. He also uses gear to get big and enjoyes all the Test sides that come with the package. He is a clown called Test for Life. But when he stopped it was all over and he could never get his natty levels over 120 ng/dl.