21 years old not seeing much gains on cycle


New member
so my brother is a national level competitor put me on 500mg test e with 200mg tren e. using prami too. on my 7th week and i feel the gear is working but not much muscle. im eating around 6000 calories.
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Stop the tren. What is wrong with you?. Just stick to your test. Your brother doesnt know enough if he putting you on tren. Btw you probs running to much test, make sure you take adex eod to stop gyno that could stop your muscle mass
Stop the tren. What is wrong with you?. Just stick to your test. Your brother doesnt know enough if he putting you on tren. Btw you probs running to much test, make sure you take adex eod to stop gyno that could stop your muscle mass

What are you talking about? Some e2 are good to develope muscle
Well, congratulations on putting up pictures of you and your family admitting to using illegal substances. Learn to edit pics before splaying them on the Internet.

You're too damn young, and don't even have a base. You should have had your brother teach you proper diet and training instead of drugs.

My .02c :)
This is that same troll from a couple weeks ago named Chethansharma. The guy joins, makes up some bullshit story, then disappears after one post. He has a condition called FDS fictitious disorder syndrome. Remember this from a couple weeks ago.

Hi Guys please help me.

I did 3 steroid cycle form last 8 months but nothing seems to work for me. I had only gained too much belly fat every time when i did different steroid cycle.

1st cycle @ 15% body fat : 40mg anavar pills per day + 100mg inj test prop per day for 3 months I didn't gained any muscle size nor lost any fat, my strength was shit and cardio was awesome ( i can run for 1 hour at 9KM speed).
No strength gain, no muscle gain, no fat loss and the gears are from legit source, its from meditech, my arab friend also uses from same supplier and he got 4 packs abs with 8% body fat.
Diet : joseph Rakich - 2100 calories + 200gms protein + 110gms carbs + 68gms fat
Workout : Hiit + weight training
Sides: none

2nd cycle bulking : 100mg meditech anadrol per day + 750mg test ace + dbol 20mg meditech for 6 weeks
My strength was okay, cardio was shitty. gained 20lbs fat & water in 2 weeks then i hit the plateau rest 4 weeks i started gaining huge belly fat, moon face, love handles and i lost my ripped legs due to too much water and fat and went from 15% bf to 29% body fat ( gained big belly no changes in muscles)
diet : 4500 calories + 400 gms carbs + 145gms fat + 350gms protein
workout : cardio 1 day + 5 days weight training
sides: kidney damage + liver damage + balls shrink and complete shut down mentally and libido for 2 days due to sexx with pros and 6 jerk offs in 1 day - i was taking milk thristle and liv 52 and himalaya uri vasi for kidney

3rd cycle fat loss : 750mg tren e per week + 500mg test e per week + winny @ 220mg per week for 8 weeks ( all are from atlas pharma - In our gold gyms 7 big guys are using atlas pharma from almost 3 years)
1 time tren cough, no acne, 7 hours sleep, heavy sweating at gym, bp is normal.
weight stays the same whole 8 weeks fucking nothing happened.
Diet : krish gethin ( took it from one of my friend and added little extra)
2200 calorie + 250gms protein + 200gms carbs + 90 to 120 gms good fat.
Sides : too much sweating, other than that none noticed.

Body stats : height 6
weight: 205lbs
age : 26
bf 28%
Deadlift 374lbs 4 reps
squats: 330lbs 4 reps
leg press : 661lbs 8 reps
Pushups : 45 to 50 in one go
bench press: 286 3 reps

I didn't even gained half inch biceps nor triceps in 8 months. shoulder nthg, back nthg, belly too much , legs are big and pluffy,calf nthg, traps nthg, chest nthg.
my diet is good organic eggs,low fat yogurt, chicken breast, oats, banana, apple, brocoll, sweet potato, lean beef, sardines fish, nuts, peanut butter, on whey, bsn amino, on glutamine, fish oil, l carnitite, aminal pak multi vit etc
yet i cant gain any muscle, i have spent too much money on my food, supplements and gears.
Gears: total spent ***** here gears are banned so have to get through backdoor its very expensive
Supplements : per month 350$
Plus too much on foods.

anyone please explain whats wrong with my body or my diet plan or my gears stack. Please suggest me any stack i dont care about money nor my health, I will buy it and start from tomorrow itself as i'm sick of wasting 2 hours everyday from last 8 months, no party and no drinking cant hang out in weekend as i cannot carry my diet food outside.
I'm really pissed off with myself
This is that same troll from a couple weeks ago named Chethansharma. The guy joins, makes up some bullshit story, then disappears after one post. He has a condition called FDS fictitious disorder syndrome. Remember this from a couple weeks ago.

thats not me , i just joined..