22 YO / 5'7 / 146lbs /7 YEARS Exp. FRUSTRATED

See this is the crap I can't get my head around.

Was 5/3/1 OHP day. My 1 rep set was 65kg and I couldn't even get it for one.

What have your previous OHP workouts looked like and what is your weight doing? Going up or down? Out of all the compound lifts, I hope you realize programming is the SLOWEST for OHP. It uses the least amount of musculature and there for progress on the press cannot be sustained for as long or as fat as squats deads, bench. 1140lb press is almost BW is it not? Keep working on it too. Wear a belt when doing press if you don't already, work on your sticking point (stuck at the bottom work on shoulders strength and lat strength if at top work on triceps, do presses from different heights as assistance off the racks, change the sets and rep scheme, heavy dips help the press, and micro load. You may not make 5lb jumps from week to week but you may be able to do 1-3lb jumps and keep that progressing.
Strength has started moving. Last OHP day I hit 67.5kg for 1 on my 1+ set. Managed 62.5kg for 4 week before. So I am happy. This week has been a deload, so I deloaded my OHP workout but wish I didn't as I don't feel I need it, so I am going to do the 5 week again, shame about my OHP day though.

Managed 160kg for 1 on my 1+set
105kg squat for 2
and my 97.5kg for 3 on bench

Really happy, slightly fat. I've cut down my calories by 200 a day to slow it down to allow me to bulk through till April.
Strength has started moving. Last OHP day I hit 67.5kg for 1 on my 1+ set. Managed 62.5kg for 4 week before. So I am happy. This week has been a deload, so I deloaded my OHP workout but wish I didn't as I don't feel I need it, so I am going to do the 5 week again, shame about my OHP day though.

Managed 160kg for 1 on my 1+set
105kg squat for 2
and my 97.5kg for 3 on bench

Really happy, slightly fat. I've cut down my calories by 200 a day to slow it down to allow me to bulk through till April.

Nice progress brother. Happy to hear some good news from you lol! The further along you get in your training the slower the strength and mass gains come so don't lose sight of your goals and keep your patience. I'm am following this thread to watch for your progress... Meaning keep it updated :p
Nice progress brother. Happy to hear some good news from you lol! The further along you get in your training the slower the strength and mass gains come so don't lose sight of your goals and keep your patience. I'm am following this thread to watch for your progress... Meaning keep it updated :p

I shall pop in here every known again to inform you boss. I have a logg over on bb.com where I update daily if you're interested?
DIET. Diet is key my man. Make sure you get the proper food and calorie intake. If you struggle with this I'd recommend getting in touch with 3J.