25 Year old UK guy, low testosterone / adrenal dysfunction?


New member
Hi there,

wondering if people would be so good as to have a read of my situation and perhaps offer some advice. I'm at my wits end and would appreciate any input.

It started on Christmas day last year; I was drinking heavily and in a good natured play fight with friends which went wrong I ended up dislocating my shoulder. I went to A&E, they put it back in and I was sent home.

I woke up the next day with what I now know to be panic attacks. They were horrendous and having had no history of mental illness or psychological problems I thought I was losing my mind. I went back to work after the Christmas break, still battling the anxiety. I also began to get severe fatigue, fibromyalgia-esque pain in my hands, dry gritty vision / sensitivity to light and difficulty reading as a result on monitors / televisions.

I was unable to cope with work and was signed off by my GP. She also persuaded me to take an SSRI, Citalopram, for the anxiety. I was off work for 3 months and unable to do much of anything other than lie in bed in darkened rooms. I was told at the time I had ***8216;post-viral fatigue***8217; by my GP. I decided to discontinue the SSRI after 6 weeks as I believed it to be affecting my libido, which was causing problems with my relationship.

I successfully weaned off it and the anxiety did not return, the rest of my symptoms began to ease and I was soon back in work. The only symptom which remained was my lack of libido, which at the time I attributed to after effects of the SSRI.

Being an avid field hockey player I was desperate to regain my former high level of fitness and began exercising as I used to, at least an hour or two per day of intense running / heavy weight lifting. I had always managed with this in the past, but on top of it I decided, possibly now in my error, to start a pattern of calorie restricted dieting along with a method of eating called intermittent fasting and lots of caffeine to lose the weight I had put on. It was very successful in that regard and to be honest I felt better than I ever had done, other than the fact I still had no libido. This continued for a couple of months and in July I asked my GP to check my testosterone levels and they were very low, (4.3 nmol/l )

She prescribed me Testogel and at the time, not knowing what I do now about primary / secondary hypogonadism and the effects of exogenous testosterone on your own production, I took it gladly.

My libido started to come back but to my horror so too did the panic attack / anxiety symptoms, so I discontinued the gel after 2 weeks and got my GP to refer me to an endocrinologist.

Soon after stopping the gel I began to crash badly and the same fatigue / visual symptoms returned. I am now having to work reduced hours and am completely unable to exercise or do any of my hobbies.

Since my initial consultant an endocrinologist in September I have I have had an MRI of my pituitary, an ultrasound of my testes, a GNRH stimulation test, numerous blood tests and an ACTH stimulation test which have all come up normal.

I trialled a selective estrogen receptor modulator for 2 weeks to see if my testosterone levels would rise. They did rise to 18.3nmol/l but subjectively I felt no better at all. They have since fallen to the value in the below blood test.

My basal temperature on waking for the last 4 weeks has been both consistently below 36 degrees Celsius and unstable.

It is this which has led me to believe my low testosterone may be secondary to adrenal dysfunction.

I am currently taking: Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, Vitamin D3, Omega 3s, Zinc, Magnesium, Celtic Salt and bovine glandulars.

Blood test results below:

Total Testosterone 10.7nmol/l (8.5 - 29.0)
Prolactin 147 miu/l (0-350)
Oestradiol <37pmol/l
Prolactin 274mu/l (<350)
FSH 6.0 iu/L
LH 3.1 iu/L
AM Cortisol 267 nmol/l (140 - 700)
Sodium 142 nmol/l (133 - 146)
Potassium 3.9nmol/l (3.5 - 5.3)
Urea 6.7nmol/l (2.5 - 7.8)
Creatinine 95 umol/L (0-135)
Magnesium 0.87 nmol/L (0.7 - 1.0)
Free T3 5.0pmol/l (2.5 - 6.5)
Free T4 16.6 pmol/l (8.0 - 21.0)
TSH 1.44 mu/L (0.4 - 4.5)
25 OH Vitamin D3 83.7mol/l (<75 = adequate)
Androsterone 2.4nmol/l (1.0 ? 8.50nmol/l)
DHEAS 9.4umol/l (0.00 ? 12.00 umol/l)

Has anyone had any experiene with this kind of situation? UK health care professionals seem to have very little understanding of it and they are trying to fob me off with a diagnosis of depression.

I am awaiting the results of an Adrenal Stress Index and a further blood test to test B12, Lead, Mercury, Thyroid Antibodies, Pregnenolone.

Any help would be great.
It SEEMS to ME, That by what you say, your anxiety is not caused by Low test. I hate the practice of anti depressants. But it does have its purpose in medicine. Based on what you have said, it seems your anxiety problem was washed away upon taking an SSRI. You discontinued ONLY because of shlong problems. Your problem did not come back until you discontinued the SSRI, Which means one of two things, Either A. Coincidentally after starting the Test Treatment, The SSRI, Which takes time to build up in your system, was NEARLY out of your body at the same time of the treatment, hence causing return of your symptoms. Or B. Your anxiety is in correlation relative to your energy levels. (Energy levels=Anxiety levels or Confidence levels)It seems that the SSRI was aucutally helping you. All medicines have their negatives, and the side effects can usually be balanced with others. I am not a doctor but a kid.
thanks for the input and I do take your point, however I am not sure I agree.

I had never had anxiety before, and then awoke with it the day following the injury. I wonder if the anxiety was a result of massively heightened cortisol levels.

Either way the anxiety has never returned stopping the SSRI, other than the brief spell when I experienced similar heart flutters etc when taking the Testogel.

My Adrenal Stress Index results are just back in today, can anyone comment on them?

Sample1: 17.9 nmol/l (12-22)
Sample2: 5.3 nmol/l (5-9)
Sample3: 3.4nmol/l (3-7)
Sample4: 0.5nmol/l (1-3)

DHEA Mean: 0.87 nmol/l (0.40 - 1.47)
DHEA : Cortisol Ratio: 3.21 (2-6)

I am wondering which came first so to speak. Has low testosterone stressed out my adrenal glands or has adrenal fatigue caused the low T? Chicken or egg so to speak..
I am looking into getting the Nutra Eval kit from Genova, however I may not be able to afford the full kit if I can't get it for free. I may be able to afford the FACT kit which tests allergies and intoleranes.

Interestingly, on another forum a PT suggested I dropped all grain products and all fruit from my diet to balance my blood sugar and allow the adrenals some breathing room. I was having a large bowl of muesli, whey and berries for breakfast and now am having scrambled eggs and bacon. I have had much more constant energy in work feel better in general.

It is making me wonder whether I may have a gluten intolerance, as i have read that can impact on the digestion of nutrients and contibute towards lower hormone levels and energy in general, as well as giving the body a constant source of inflammation to deal withl.