25mg/ml oral winny suspension???

I have been using the peg300, Winstrol (winny), grain alcohol recipe until recently I ran out of alcohol and just used tap water for my liquid oral Winstrol (winny) solution. My question is how is the integrity of the solution compromised by using tap water over grain alcohol? When using tap water is comes out a milky white color(more like inj winny) *
The grain alcohol helps keep your mix sterile. It probably helps hold it in solution as well. If the color is off then that could mean its not fully dissolved. I would switch back.
Well the color is right for Winstrol (winny). When in alcohol it's clear, like crystal clear, but when mixed into a cup of juice it turns white again. How do the suppliers do their oral suspensions?
Oral is oral, doesnt need to be sterile going through your digestive tract. If it holds in water, good enough. just shake it up before dosing and move on. You could swallow powder straight if you wanted to, just saying.