26 week Bulk to Cut Cycle


New member
Ive probely got a lot of people thinking "what the fuck?"
But im just being curious they say time on is the same for time off,
Well what if i wanted to do a big test deca dbol cycle after summer
In say Feb and then i wanted to do a precomp/ cutting cycle for summer?
You dont really have time off.

So it got me thinkinh why not do.something like this in the middle 26 wee
Of the year.

Test 750mg Weeks 1-24
Deca 400mg Weeks 1-14
Dbol 60mg ed Weeks 1-6
Tren E 400mg Weeks 16-24
Winny 50mg ed Weeks 18-24
Clen Weeks 20-24.

Would you shut down rediculously hard? Apart from looking
Amazing at the beginning of every summer or comp coming back fuller
Heavier, leaner what other feedback have you guys got?

Dont be flaming for.stupidity its just a brainstorm
What if you scrapped the tren? Replaced it?

In b4 OPs shutdown permanently from this cycle. lol jk, Why switch from deca to tren btw? Curious because deca is best for longer cycles so I would be tempted to just it it all the wya through.
Just thought switching would to tren wouod give you a dryer look than the usual deca bloat..

no offense, but from the look of your avi, dry isn't anything you should be worrying about. You will bloat on tren also. The best thing for water bloat is drinking more water, or cycling water intake and take a diuretic (short term).

26 weeks is a hefty cycle. I'd say split the difference and add 8 week recovery between the two... minimum.
no offense, but from the look of your avi, dry isn't anything you should be worrying about. You will bloat on tren also. The best thing for water bloat is drinking more water, or cycling water intake and take a diuretic (short term).

26 weeks is a hefty cycle. I'd say split the difference and add 8 week recovery between the two... minimum.

i never bloat on tren, most dont.
Tren wont bloat you, if your smart and dont use more then 500mg tren ew ( i rec 300-400mg) (more is never needed tren is strong and sides can be high, just dumb in my op)
yes, you would be shutdown hard

i would skip the Winstrol (winny) and clen towards the end. tren will be enough and if still want more you could add avavar

make sure to have caber or parmi handy along with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI).

eat good and train hard
Matty ice getting a bit over you bullshit, I don't know anyone that holds water on tren, you don't think I know water/ carb cycling for drying out? My pic is of me 2 months after natty bulk bro so being dry wasnt really on the cards at the time
I went from DECA to tren ace in a 20 week cycle I used caber to keep prolactin down and hcg throughout the entire cycle with a low dose of ADEX follow those guidelines and you will be fine and recovery will be great and you will keep a lot with a good pct
All the guys I roll with use tren ace with mast and prop 250 prop 700 tren ace and 600 mast as I posted in my bulk/cut cycle in another thread cabergoline is a beautiful thing I got my tren as high as 100 mg of tren ED 7 days a week so 700 mg a week with little to no sides
Bloat is caused by your estrogen being too high
Just take an AI . Let's stop saying "wet,bloat,watery,water weight etc"

Example; " dbol is a wet steroid"
You need to re-think. To many compounds. You can do the same thing you want with 4 compounds Test , Deca, Dbol and your choice.

If you diet correctly Tren can help you look dryer. I myself don't take to the sides of Tren very well so my choice is Winstrol at the end with very low Test.

I won't put it all together for you week by week but you can figure that out. If you choose to do Winstrol you need to go 8 weeks min with it a low dose Deca at that time can run along side the Winstrol for joint lubrication. All tis if you don't go with Tren.

Are you doing some show?
I need more input on that and all the time frames for more help. I've done some comp in the 80's been around a long time. Good luck
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