2nd cycle 600tcyp 400deca?


New member
im 31 5'11" 195 i was 175 before Test e 500 mg/per week cycle at 10 weeks. i want to do my next cycle right with good advice. i have had plenty of people tell me what i should do and im loooking for more info. first of all i was told to kickstart with dbol but for how long? the cycle will be 14 weeks test cyp 600mg per week and deca at 400mg per week. i was told to take hcg how much and when and for how long is what i need to know. is it ok to take hcg, clomid, and nolva in the same cycle, i also have adex as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dont know about dosage. thanks for your help
if you have dbol it is a good kickstart but not necassary but 3 weeks is plenty cause its harsh on the liver its water retentive n ull start seeing the effects of the test at that point all mass from dbol will quickly disapear n test will take over from there... hcg is fine to run with anything run a couple doses every month if u have the availability just to jump ur natural test levels back up wich is always good cut fat down n possible energy stamina n metabolism gains hcg is good anytime....
by the the way im 32 5 9" n was 180 n shot up to 235 in 2months almoast 1 pound a day i used to be a personal trainer n nutritionist n i studied steroids for months getting info off sites like this n steroids.com n with the correct diet the right stack and the right mixture of workouts n rest wich is way underated one of the most important elements to a routine anything is posible i used test 400 cyp n enanth blend n tren 200 enanth my bench was 405 from 245 the right knowledge n knowhow can get u places no questions r dumb ones but i just read up because personally i dont trust anyones opinion but my own but get a routine down u grow when u sleep so sleeeeep as much as possible....