2nd Cycle Advice - Test E - Var - EQ/Deca


New member
Just wanted to start out by introducing myself since this will be my first thread...just been lurking and constantly learning.

26 yrs old
200lbs (never had my BF% measured.. attached a pic I took this morning for this post)
18-24yrs I was training really hard 6-7days/week once I got done with college and started my first big kid job it took a big toll on my training schedule. I've got a better job now and just recently got out of the relationship I was in that never would let me get time to train.

I joined the site a couple years ago when I was researching for my first cycle (Test E only - 500/week) which has been about 3+ years ago now. I've also done a couple PH cycles before my Test cycle.
But I am now looking to get 2016 going with a solid 2nd cycle. Looking to add some size but mainly want to get as hard and vascular as I can. I know that cutting will depend on my diet which I am committed to really control now that I have more time for myself.

This is what I had in mind for my cycle...kind of torn between EQ or Deca? Seems to depend on which forum you are researching as to what is the preferred compound.
Adex would vary if needed..

Thoughts? Suggestions? Advice? I'm all ears at this point!

Thanks in advance guys!

WeekTest E 250EQVarAdexNolvaClomid
250 x 2200 x 2DailyEODDailyDaily
looks like a well planned cycle, so..... deca or EQ its a hard one. and its down to personal choice, some respond better to deca, or vice versa.
myself, i love NPP even though i have to pin EOD.

its only your second cycle, run with the EQ. see how you like it. you can always compare it against deca on your 3rd.

you have got a good base there.... you should see some nice gains.
Welcome bro. If it were me eq for lean mass gains I'm not a deca fan I get bloat and shut down hard with deca. And 15 weeks is just right for a eq cycle
looks like a well planned cycle, so..... deca or EQ its a hard one. and its down to personal choice, some respond better to deca, or vice versa.
myself, i love NPP even though i have to pin EOD.

its only your second cycle, run with the EQ. see how you like it. you can always compare it against deca on your 3rd.

you have got a good base there.... you should see some nice gains.

Yeah not sure if I'm ready for EOD pins yet...after this one I'll probably get use to it but for now I'm good. Especially taking this much time off from doing it.
I remember the first few pins of my Test E cycle took a lot of pumping up for me to finally get the courage to jab myself with a needle haha!
I would stick to just a test cycle since it's been so long since your first cycle. Running anavar that long is not good for the liver. Running that many compounds for a second cycle is a bit much. Just stick with test. It'll be like your first cycle all over again...
I would stick to just a test cycle since it's been so long since your first cycle. Running anavar that long is not good for the liver. Running that many compounds for a second cycle is a bit much. Just stick with test. It'll be like your first cycle all over again...

This. and if you are set on running an oral like VAR, you can add it to the 'tail end' of your cycle after you've got accustomed to running test only again and managing the sides.
I would stick to just a test cycle since it's been so long since your first cycle. Running anavar that long is not good for the liver. Running that many compounds for a second cycle is a bit much. Just stick with test. It'll be like your first cycle all over again...

I was thinking about this as well but TBH I felt like Test E alone was overhyped and I didn't see the gains that I was hoping and expecting.....unless of course it was all bunk? I honestly had better results from my prohormone cycles I've ran prior.

But now that I'm thinking about it, I did get sick shortly after starting that cycle...actual flu or Test flu idk?