2nd cycle Enth/EQ + Prop kick


New member
Hey all, been reading through the logs here in order to get some sort of idea of how my cycle will pan out, and I thought Id add my experiences to help those interested. I probably wont be posting any photos but who knows what the future holds.

Brief stats:
2 years training/eating well, several years training poorly previous to that. Before training well was at about 74kg with similar BF and horrible lifts.
approx 14-16% bf

I have a couple of things that inpact on my lifts. I broke my arm about 2 years ago, shattered the elbow cap, and broke 3 bones. Now full of screws and plates, which makes several lifts more difficult than they should be. Make holding a barbell straight difficult due to a slight weird angle of my arm, and it fatigues much quicker than my good arm. Often used to give out in the middle of a set, but have learnt the warning signs of that happenning now, and I stop.

Knees are screwed. Squatting gives them strife. They click and groan and scrape and hurt no matter the angle of feet, width of stance etc. Been checked by a couple of trainers with good form, and it is not form related.

Cycle history: 12 weeks 500-700mg Test E. Got two vials from a source that didnt seem to do anything. Likely fake/ severely underdosed. Found a new source and added one more vial. Power and weight came with this, but only did the one vial.
Did the cycle with a mate who had similar results.

Mediocre lifts (all lifts for sets of 10, havent tested 1 rep strength):
Bench 80kg
Pull ups BW +10kg
Dead 110kg
Squat 60kg
Curl 15kg (per hand)
Shoulder 25kg (per hand)
(although these are not monster numbers, I dont really want to hear a thousand people say I have natural potential etc. I want gains faster than I would get naturally, as does most anyone on the juice.)

The cycle;
12 weeks

500mg 250mg/ml Test E, twice weekly injects

600mg 200mg/ml EQ, thrice weekly at the beginning when using prop moving to twice weekly when prop runs out

10 ml 100ml/ml prop;
100 mg day 1 + 3
75 mg day 5, 7, 9, 11
50 mg day 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31

25mg adex eod
hcg 250ug e3d
clomid and nolva for pct;
Clomid 50mg daily for four weeks
Nolvadex 20mg daily for 2weeks, then 10mg daily for an additional 4 weeks

Lets go!
Forgot to say, cycling with a mate again

First shot was on Fri.

3ml in the quad, 1ml each enth, EQ, prop. Went in like I was born to jab. Was expecting pain from all the hype around prop. Nothing except slight cork for a few mins straight after and a bruised feeling up til today.

Today 1 ml prop 1ml eq into delt.

Kinda hurt a little. Feels bruised now, although I didnt keep the needle especially still, injecting own delts is hard work. So unsure if it the prop or technique.

One thing I noticed is that the oil is much, much harder to push through the needle than last time. same gauge needle (25) larger syringe (3ml vs 1ml)

No difference in gym or weight or mood/libido.
Exciting day my friends.

Day 5- 250mg Enth, 200mg EQ, 100mg prop. Decided to keep the prop at 100mg for an extra day for a little extra kick. Shot went smoothly, no pain at all so far.

Lets start with the prop shot in the delt from the other day. It kinda hurts. It was diluted with EQ but for the last two days I have felt as if someone gave me a nice solid punch in the shoulder. Doesnt worry me, and I cant see what all the prop pain fuss is all about!

Maybe Ill inject a gram in the bicep for laughs. J/k of course.

Restless nights Sun and Mon, tossing and turning and waking up tired. Super annoying, if this continues I am going to investigate a cure of some sort.

Monday was a rest day, hit up chest today. Weighed in at 91kg, which is a whopping 3kg more than my training session on Sunday. I have recently been hovering up to about 89kg depending on food intake, but this blows even my previous weeks highs out of the water. Starting a gym session with the scales shooting up like that is a great motivator, water weight though it is.

Lifts were easier than normal by a significant amount, although I did not increase weights just yet. Energy was also up. Feeling great. Dodgy arm even played up a little but didnt hamper lifts.

Slight hunger and libido increases but nothing to write home about. Feeling a little more aggressive, not that I want to go and tear people up, more of an assertive take-no-shit kind of aggression.

Starting adex tonight at 25mg eod to keep water and E down. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) starting on Thursday.

All in all, a happy day.
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keep the EQ as high as you can, as long as you can. my fav compound. veins, strength, more veins and more strength.

I have heard many similar things, and wanted good quality muscle over water this cycle, which is mainly why I decided to go EQ.

Started the adex last night, and woke up in the morning needing to piss so badly that I had to run. What followed was a piss of epic proportion that just seemed endless! I spose the adex dried me out a bit or something! Scales at gym weighed in at 89.8, a kg down from yesterday with similar levels of food.

Other noticable sides cropped up today, primarily oily face. I came home and washed before gym and it was so bad. My mate said his gf had made similar comments. Also a couple of small whiteheads. Annoying. If it gets any worse I will add in some roaccutane to nuke my skin into submission.

Gym today, meh. Legs day, everything was the same as normal, didnt feel or note anything of significance.
Day 7
200mg EQ 75mg prop

First time trying a ventrogluteal injection. It seems like it should be an easy concept to find the right spot, but it took me about an hour of research, and hopping about on one leg before I was convinced enough to stick the needle in. Even then I think I went a little too far back.

In the end what seemed to work best was putting two hands side by side directly down from the pelvis, running in a lateral line down the thigh/leg and rocking back and forth, moving weight from one leg to the other so I could feel the muscle contract. As I slid the needle in, approximately 1inch in I felt a slight twinge, where I think I must have gone through a small nerve or something. Otherwise went smoothly. Afterwards just sitting on the couch I had this weird sensation running down my quad and into my ankle. Not bad mind you just tingling, it lasted about 10 minutes and then vanished.

Not concerned, but perhaps I shot a little far back/down, in fear of hitting the hip bone or something. Will bring the site forward a little for the other side tomorrow.

Was a rest day, so no training or weigh in.

In other side effects, sleep is becoming annoying. I have had a few restless nights, and even nights that I seem to sleep well, I wake up feeling as though I went to bed at 3 am every night. My girlfriend says I have been talking in my sleep a fair bit more than usual, although in general I move around and talk a lot, and have even sleep walked once or twice throughout my life. The other night she said I spent a good hour rambling in some foreign language. Interesting considering I don't speak anything but English lol. I guess I'm just special.
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Day 7
200mg EQ 75mg prop

First time trying a ventrogluteal injection. It seems like it should be an easy concept to find the right spot, but it took me about an hour of research, and hopping about on one leg before I was convinced enough to stick the needle in. Even then I think I went a little too far back.

In the end what seemed to work best was putting two hands side by side directly down from the pelvis, running in a lateral line down the thigh/leg and rocking back and forth, moving weight from one leg to the other so I could feel the muscle contract. As I slid the needle in, approximately 1inch in I felt a slight twinge, where I think I must have gone through a small nerve or something. Otherwise went smoothly. Afterwards just sitting on the couch I had this weird sensation running down my quad and into my ankle. Not bad mind you just tingling, it lasted about 10 minutes and then vanished.

Not concerned, but perhaps I shot a little far back/down, in fear of hitting the hip bone or something. Will bring the site forward a little for the other side tomorrow.

Was a rest day, so no training or weigh in.

In other side effects, sleep is becoming annoying. I have had a few restless nights, and even nights that I seem to sleep well, I wake up feeling as though I went to bed at 3 am every night. My girlfriend says I have been talking in my sleep a fair bit more than usual, although in general I move around and talk a lot, and have even sleep walked once or twice throughout my life. The other night she said I spent a good hour rambling in some foreign language. Interesting considering I don't speak anything but English lol. I guess I'm just special.

Hi hope u dont mind me jumping in but after reading wot u have done I was wondering if u cld give me some advice? I'm nearly finished my first cycle of 750mg of sust250 and 250mg of deca I'm new to the bodybuilding but enjoying it alot especially once I started seeing results but now I'm wondering wot I shld take for my second cycle? I was thinking of 3 different oils just not sure wot ones I shld get but want ones which will show me bigger results I'm 6 ft 12 stone with a very low fat % any advice wld be much appreciated thanks JamboCraig
Hi hope u dont mind me jumping in but after reading wot u have done I was wondering if u cld give me some advice? I'm nearly finished my first cycle of 750mg of sust250 and 250mg of deca I'm new to the bodybuilding but enjoying it alot especially once I started seeing results but now I'm wondering wot I shld take for my second cycle? I was thinking of 3 different oils just not sure wot ones I shld get but want ones which will show me bigger results I'm 6 ft 12 stone with a very low fat % any advice wld be much appreciated thanks JamboCraig

Please post your own thread in the anabolics forum.

Ndog: I strongly suggest you try pec injections. I wouldn't push 3mL in there, but 1-1.5mL is a joke. Your chest just feels a bit like you've had a chest workout afterwards (mind you, I tend to inject the muscle I've just worked out).

Give it a shot, IMO, out of delt, quad and chest, chest is the least painful post inject.
So I posted a whole update this morning and even included some pictures, and it said it went off to a mod for approval.. is this normal?
***Well, I tried putting this through a couple of times, but keeps saying needs to go to mods for approval or something- over 24 hours later, still nothing.. I guess it is the pictures I tried to attach.. if anyone is interested just check out my album in my profile

Day 9- Quad- 250mg enth, 200mg EQ, 75mg Prop

Day 11- Ventroglute- 200mg EQ, 75mg prop

Weight 92.8kg (204lb)

Well things have been ticking along quite reasonably, weight has been increasing each day, weighing in at 92.0 on sat, and 92.8 yesterday. I have not noticed any increased strength, but a definite stamina increase, with overall shorter rest times between sets, and longer overall times at the gym.

The ventro shot from the other day ended up having quite a bite to it. On Fri night I felt solidly bruised, but by morning it was fine. I shot the other side last night, and again had a little trouble deciding on the exact right spot to pin. First time I stuck the needle in, felt good til it got the bottom, and then I felt a really strange twinge. I suspect nerve again, so I withdrew and shot a little further back. Smooth as butter. Its amazing how little you actually feel the needle go in, aside from that initial prick.

Thanks for your comment Essays, I have considered pec shots, but have held off because of the volume of injection which have been 1.75ml minimum, and my chest isn't that big to push too much oil through.. If these ventro shots don't work out I will def test it out.

Sides have included ongoing restless sleep, which appears to be getting worse. This morning my gf told me that we need to do something about the amount I toss and turn all night, because it is keeping her up. I am also sweating a lot more, especially at the gym. Moodwise I am feeling pretty good, and have been in a great mood, although I am tending to aggression a little more than usual. For instance on the way to my mates for the jab yesterday some guy in a suit and tie driving this little Laser cut me off right before some lights, and then tried to stare me down from his car widow. I was pretty ready to jump out and pull his sorry arse through his window by his tie, and had even chucked the handbreak on and started undoing my seatbelt, before catching myself and calming down. Five minutes later everything forgotten, and was in a good mood again.

Yesterday was chest day, and I have always had a problem with chest. My dodgy arm gives me a lot of problems trying to hold the barbell straight, and I have weakened support in the elbow overall which often make progression difficult. Although I focus on using the chest I often find a lot of push coming from my delts and triceps, and don't feel the burn as I should. Considering this, I have decided to go back to the drawing board and dropped my weights, and focused on slow high reps, and drop sets for the whole day yesterday, and felt a good burn. A priority of this cycle is to bring my chest up to standard, as it really is a weak area.

Routine for those interested yesterday was 3 sets slight dumbbell incline dropsetted, 3 sets flat barbell press dropset, 3 sets unweighted dips into pushups, 3 sets decline bench in smith machine. Also finished up with 5 sets of pullups, which I have decided to add into the end of every workout, to try and pull numbers up a bit, they were difficult after chest workout.

I wasn't going to put up any photos, but have changed my mind so I can see clearly the results by the end of the cycle. These were taken last Fri. Sorry to everyones eyes about the wedgy, the gf didn't think it important to point out, and by the time I noticed I couldnt be bothered redoing them!
(check album)