2nd cycle...little more help this time


New member
Hey guys

I came here a little over a year ago to get knowledge on my first cycle. Ended up taking everyone's advice and sticking with anavar @ 40mg ED and test enanthate at 500mg a week for 12 weeks and had great results. I was able to keep the majority of my gains.

So now I'm tinkering with a second cycle. Here's what I have on hand but certainly not what I'm limited to...

100 20mg anavar tabs
2 10ml vials Tren acetate (100mg/ML)
4 10ml vials enanthate

Was thinking anavar for 3 weeks to kick things off...test enanthate for 12 weeks at 250mg a week and Tren ace at 200mg a week for 12 weeks. Adex at .5 EOD

I don't have pct yet and won't start any cycle until it's on hand. Goals are lean mass. Diet & macros where in good shape.

No plans to start until sometime in late May or June so I'm just gathering feedback.
I appreciate any help.
You should know by now that our first response is to get to know you. So Welcome to the board.

What are ALL your stats:
years lifting seriously
and what ever seem pertinent.
i wouldn't do tren A just yet, its only ur 2nd cycle bro.
all get great gains by doing just test and var.
Don't run Tren on your second cycle . I'd stick to just test again, but if you want to try another compound and are looking to bulk , maybe shoot for something like a Test and NPP/Deca cycle,, get your feet wet with a 19nor like deca before you move on to Tren
You should know by now that our first response is to get to know you. So Welcome to the board.

What are ALL your stats:
years lifting seriously
and what ever seem pertinent.

Hey my man. Thanks for the welcome...

I'm 5'10, 190 11% body fat as of last week
33 years old. I've been lifting seriously for roughly a decade. First cycle was a success. Added about 16lbs, most of it lean. Has blood work done before, during & after and everything was smooth (minus the clomid depression. That was brutal)