2nd cycle OP NPP/Prop/Tbol


Mini Rocky




First Cycle was Test E 500mg for 15 weeks
Test Prop 125mg EOD for weeks 16-17 into PCT
Anavar weeks 9-15 at 50mg ED
Proper PCT for first few weeks
Didn't recover so ran Clomid only at 35mg ED for another month 1/2 until recovered.

2nd Cycle
Test Prop Week 1 100mg EOD
Test Prop week 2-12 150mg EOD
NPP week 1 Started the friday at 125mg EOD
Week 2-10 NPP 125mg EOD
Tbol weeks 6-11 75mg ED

Reason for dosage weirdness is getting proper length out, and right dosages. Didn't want to run low the last week of cycle.
HCG 500IU 2/week weeks 3-11
Prami .25 ED through whole cycle
Letro .5mg EOD through whole cycle
Clomid 100/100/50/50 A week after cycle ends.
Tamo 40/40/20/20 A week after cycle ends.

Weight-155lbs *I started cycle at 146lbs but over the course of 2 weeks, I've gained like 8 1/2 lbs but I don't look it.
Height 5'4 (manlet tier)
Diet- Around 3200 Calories (just jumped up 200 calories, I was eating 3k 3 weeks before cycle started. Stayed at 145 until 3rd week of 3000 calories where I jumped up 1 1/2 lbs during weigh in).

Mon-Chest/Tricep/5 sets of legs added in.
Tues- Back/Bicep/ 2-3 sets of shoulders.
Thurs- Legs/2-3 sets of burnout on Chest.
Fri-Shoulders/ 1-2 sets that will work bicep/tricep

Goal for cycle- Well at first I was shooting for 165lbs but since in 2 weeks I've jumped to 155 I may have to raise.
Lift- I want to hit 3plate on Bench-atm I'm repping 225.
I want to deadlift 405lbs- atm doing 315 3-4 reps each set.
I want to squat around 350lbs- atm 3 reps of 285lbs for 1 set.
I want to front squat 2 plates for 5 reps 2-3 sets. Atm I've hit 1x3 for 205lbs
I want to Military press 165lbs 3x5. Atm I can do 4x3 135lbs
I want to Snatch and Press 225lbs maybe 1x5. I can snatch 1x4 165lbs *though its 30sec-1min between reps*. I can snatch and press 155lbs once
And finally I want too 1x5 Strongman Dumbbell Press 100lbs *main goal is to hit 1x1-5 of a 120lb DB, hope to happen by next year*. I can do 75lb DB 1x2 in a minute.
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Forgot to add my side effects so far. Into week 2 I started feeling great in the gym, strength hasn't changed. I've gone up on a few lifts, but its minimal like an extra rep. Of course 8+ lb increase. I feel horny all the time. I feel a tad groggy, and sometimes can't sleep 8 hrs, I set my alarm for 8 hrs but sometimes way up 6-7 hrs in. I sweat like crazy, before i even hit the gym otw over i already have sweat stains in my arm pits. Sometimes my skin is very tight, especially my forearms. They feel very tight, and about to explode. Finally PIP is horrible. Im pinning Glutes, and Quads. First quad pin last week, the next 2 days after i couldnt raise my leg. My glutes are very lumpy and bruised. Usually will last 3-4 days after the shot, it hurts to sit on my ass.
Horrible experience the other day at the gym, probably the worst gym time I've had in a very long time. Chest/Tri day and couldn't do anything. I kept on failing on everything, had to do the role of shame many times. And still have no strength increase. Usually I can rep 225 flat bench 2-3x2-3, but I failed at this. Incline I rep 205, I couldn't even do 185 the other day. I tried squatting, but my leg wouldn't go down because of PIP.

I don't even feel like im on cycle, other then a bit of increases libido and better mood. I have no strength gains, my weight did jump up quit a bit. Today weighing in at 153.4-8lbs. I can't say its my diet because im eating strong, and eating a good amount of protein, good amount of healthy fats, and many complex healthy carbs.
Just write it off as a lost day. We all have them and can't always explain why. Hopefully you will be full speed ahead, today or tomorrow.
Better day today. Strong man Press PR to 1 rep of 80lb DB. Pull down Bar increased by an extra set. Couldn't do snatches, left wrist feels fucked. Deadlift increased to 2x4 mixed grip on one different hand variation, other hand variation sucked probably because it was the hand with the fucked wrist.
Leg day today. Did 295 1x3 but re watching the video I took, I was a lil away from parallel. At the time thought I was good, so tried 305. A mate from the gym said I was close to parallel did 1x1 of 305. But I kinda don't want to count. I did 205 1x4 of it, maybe hit parallel on some but close on all if not. I tried 2 plates, and did 1 good rep. So I've finally hit 2 plate front squat, just need 2-3 sets of 5 reps to reach goal. Tried bench press again, since Monday had the problem with right arm. Figured I was feeling good enough to try it again. Hit that first rep of it, felt so easy. But 2nd rep I failed again, had same problem as Monday my right arm.
Today I pinned the last of the first vial of NPP. So I've done 8 shot of 125mg of NPP, but I don't feel any bit stronger. Yes lifts going up on some things, but I was achieving that natty. When I was on Test E alone, the first 2 weeks I was feeling crazy in the gym, the lift were going up like crazy. Been on Test Prop for close to 3 weeks, Idk if I even feel something from that.

Did Shoulders/misc today. Went down a rep in military press. I was doing 3x2-3 last friday, this week I did 3x1x2, so lost strength there. Other shoulder lifts felt the same. Snatches did increase doing 1x5 of 165lbs, i take like 30 sec breaks between reps. Tried doing a snatch and press of 155 that I did last week, and failed. I did go up on strongman lift doing 1x5 of 80lb db, over a course of 10mins lol. Then PR'ing 85lb DB once. If you say "what are you expecting", im saying "I feel nothing like my first cycle on Test-E, and im on short esters".
Chest/tri/leg today, last week I couldn't lift shit. This week was back to normal. Not much strength gains. Able to bench 225 4 reps on first set, 2nd set 3 reps. Decline, and Incline was normal. Tri was normal. Legs felt a lil week. Pretty much a same workout as usual, no strength gains. I thought NPP had lubrication to joints, my wrist have been hurting the past two weeks. It feels like its rusty. In the mirror I look a bit bigger, and muscularity as a lil more. Yesterday was the beginning of my second vial of NPP. So I've pinned 125mg 9 times so far. I will say that PIP isn't there anymore.

Still pretty unsure of this cycle

*edit* also going down to .25mg EOD of liquidex instead. Still doing prami .25 ED. 500Ius a week, Mon/Thurs.

My increases;deadlift 4x4-5 of 335lbs,Wide Grip Pull Down 4x5 of 185lbs, Strongman Circus dumbbell lift 1x5 of 85lb Db (took around 3 minutes). Then PR of 90lb DB one time.

Sickness, woke up last night and had sickness from prami. I ended up falling to the floor from too much dizziness. It was as if I was wasted.
Tomorrow weigh in
Legs/chest day tried 315 squat, almost got parallel. Usually do wide stance, going to start doing both wide and narrow. Couldn't do front because of wrist, so much for NPP lubrication. Did a set of chest, usually get maybe 2-3 good reps of 225. Today I managed 5 good reps of 225. Friend of mine spotting me suggested to try repping 245. I tried it, first rep perfect, 2nd rep struggle but got (he said he didnt help). I said more, and I tried 250 and got it easy.

Cardio is a bummer, become to winded.
I hope I don't get those sides from prami. Keep up the good work brother. How many times did you take prami before you got the sides?
Nce lg bro. Hope the pip gets better..but ive seen some blood tests from op that suggest their gear is very good to go. Hopeful u start getting the results ur looking for brother. Keep us posted bro! Hit it!
Nce lg bro. Hope the pip gets better..but ive seen some blood tests from op that suggest their gear is very good to go. Hopeful u start getting the results ur looking for brother. Keep us posted bro! Hit it!

I'll be getting a blood test here soon. It's hard to determine if the NPP is real or not. Atm I'd say it's bunk since no lubrication of the joints. Any strength gains I push towards the test. Been on Test before, but thought Deca would be epic strength. Don't have any epic strength.