2nd cycle OP NPP/Prop/Tbol

Man PIP has become a bitch again the past 2 weeks for my legs. I can't lift them, I can't bend them, I walk like a pirate!
Felt extremely sick the past 2 days, im assuming the prami.
Shoulders/Misc today
2x2 of 155lbs on Overhead Press
1x1 PR on Bench Press for 275lbs.
Dude, you will hang onto that prami come hell or high water.
How do you calculate a 1.2lb increase in weight in a day. Anyone can fluctuate 3-4 pound in a day or a week depending on what they eat, how they perspire, how they pissed that day night, taken a crap and on and on? No problem I am not putting you down but can't figure the statement of a 1.2lb increase. I just thought it was comical. :)
I weigh my self usually every friday or thursday. In the morning, after taking a shit/piss.
I weigh my self usually every friday or thursday. In the morning, after taking a shit/piss.

That sounds encouraging for you. My self I can fluctuate 3-4 pounds a day / week. It isn't until I hold the 4-5 lbs do I consider I've made a good gain. You can see 5lbs on an ecto like me (a little) but not 2-3. It's when I make some gain and hold it for a week, week n a half that I know it's real.
Good luck sounds good for you :) keep up the hard work.
Today I weighed in at 167.2lbs which is like 5lb increase in 2 weeks, must be holding a good amount of water and shit.


I believe I pulled something in my wrist around 6 weeks ago, and last friday I really fucked it up. So my lifts did suffer today.

Though I hit 1x1 of 280 on Bench Press. Trying this week to achieve the 1000lb club.
Hit 1x1 on 400lbs on deadlift today which brings me closer to my 1000lb club. My wrist affected me doing any bicep workout today, so idk what to do now for my biceps.
Just read your log and now following along. Will run these same compounds very soon. Interested in seeing end result. Did you say what labs gear you are running?
Wrist seems to be working okay. Was able to do some tricep workouts. Did some quick 3x5 of 315 of squat, felt low to me anyways. Bench was repping 1x3 of 260lbs, hit 275 on decline benchpress 1 rep as a PR.
Monday was doing a few reps on Bench Press of 265lbs, and did an easy 1 rep of 275.
Thursday did 365 on squat for a few reps
Today did shoulder press of 175lbs 2x1

Weigh in today at 171lbs.
Yesterday on Chest/Tri/Squat I felt too groggy and unmotivated with made me lack in my workout. I was 3x2-3 On bench Press of 265lbs. Easy 2 reps on Decline Bench Press of 275lbs. Still had problems with wrist, so Tricep workout was bleh. Squat felt alright, not exceptional but alright. Its ending of my cycle, and last week was my last injection of Deca so I know Post Cycle is coming wooo.
Im feeling as the cycle is about to end, im coming down. I don't feel as motivated, and I feel less strong on some of my lifts. Some lifts I'm still doing great in, and even improving.
Not much was posted last week but I did good on squat repping 365. Tuesday I was doing easy reps of deadlift. Friday I felt weak, I couldnt do 1 rep of 175lbs of military press like I did the past Friday.

Anyways this week, today, I bench pressed 300lbs (help with spotter, got it filmed, was legit). I repped 275 on decline bench press x3.

I finished up my HCG 500ius a week, today. My last shot of 250ius. Im trying to figure out if I should keep up with prami during PCT or not. PCT is ready to go, I have everything I need. Im ready for it, but then again I dont want cycle to end and lose a bit of gains.
I only have 2 days left on cycle before I begin PCT. I weighed in today at 172.6lbs and I started at 146. So during the cycle I went up 26.6lbs, which hopefully I keep around 15 or more. I've liked my cycle, but I could hve just done test prop/tbol. I felt NPP wasn't that good, either it being under dosed or even bunk. Prami killed me during my cycle, always making me feel very tired in the morning. And at the beginning was making me have bad insomnia.

Lift wise
Bench Press- Begining of cycle, was doing half reps of 225. Now im able to do 2-3x2-3 reps of 275lbs without spotter and all the way down.
Deadlift- Started at 315, but mixed grip. Now doing normal grip which has increased up too 315, and doing 3-4x3-4
Squat- Started at 285 1x3, now doing about 365 2-3x4
Military Press- Started 3x3 of 135lbs. My max on this was 1x1 of 175lbs, but now I can easy rep 145-155.
I stopped doing the snatches, and front squat because it was fucking up my wrist
Strongman Lift I started at 1x2 in a minute of 75lbs. Now I can do 100lb DB 1x2 in a minute.