2nd cycle stack question, How to mix??


New member
My first cycle was straight test cypionate 400mg wk for 12 wks.
did my post cycle therapy (pct) with clomid. Looking at cycle # 2, after researching all newbie article i found this cycle for my 2nd to try and add deca in.. My question is, do I inject them both seperate or combined together in same shot(can they be mixed)??
also, do i need to add a aromasin to this or is this stack fine the way it is??

I found it in this newbie article on here..

Wk 1-11 test cypionate 500mg each week
Wk 1-10 deca durabolin 300-400mg each week
Wk 1-16 Nolvadex 20mg each day
Wk 13-16 clomid

Thanks for any Opinions/experience/help you can offer..
My first cycle was straight test cypionate 400mg wk for 12 wks.
did my post cycle therapy (pct) with clomid. Looking at cycle # 2, after researching all newbie article i found this cycle for my 2nd to try and add deca in.. My question is, do I inject them both seperate or combined together in same shot(can they be mixed)??
also, do i need to add a aromasin to this or is this stack fine the way it is??

I found it in this newbie article on here..

Wk 1-11 test cypionate 500mg each week
Wk 1-10 deca durabolin 300-400mg each week
Wk 1-16 Nolvadex 20mg each day
Wk 13-16 clomid

Thanks for any Opinions/experience/help you can offer..

That is kind of old info. Dont run Nolva while on cycle with deca it can increase prolactin sides. Plus deca needs to be run at least 14 weeks and upped a little. Also you need to get prami or caber and have it just in case of prolactin sides. cycle should look like this.

Wk 1-16 test cypionate 600mg each week
Wk 1-14 deca durabolin 500mg each week
Aromasin or Adex EOD

post cycle therapy (pct) Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 50/50/50/50
That is kind of old info. Dont run Nolva while on cycle with deca it can increase prolactin sides. Plus deca needs to be run at least 14 weeks and upped a little. Also you need to get prami or caber and have it just in case of prolactin sides. cycle should look like this.

Wk 1-16 test cypionate 600mg each week
Wk 1-14 deca durabolin 500mg each week
Aromasin or Adex EOD

PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 50/50/50/50

^^^THIS^^^ plus caber is better IMO and run it at .5mgs e3d.
Thanks for the input, Now, do i do seperate shots of the test and deca or can i combined them ??
So,running Arimidex .25 ed or .5 eod for a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is fine??? Whats caber for??
Ive used clomid for my prev cycles pct, worked fine
I forgot to ask, i am not sure if i want to go with the Deca or go with dinabol on the 2nd cycle ??? Can i get your opinion on that since this is my 2nd cycle Im not sure which to throw in the mix.. Thanks..
Either or is fine for a second cycle. Caber or prami is for prolactin sides can give you gyno even on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you can inject test and deca in same pin.
I didn't care too much for Deca. I will get flamed for this, but I will sometimes run a low dose Deca, like 250mg's, with my test and tren cycle, it helps to relieve shoulder pain from a nagging injury. Caber is good, heck I take caber 2x a week through PCT... good wood. haha 2nd cycle for you, why not stick to 2 compounds. Try Test @ 600mgs and Deca @ 500mg's for 14 weeks. You should make excellent gains if you diet correct and train hard.
I didn't care too much for Deca. I will get flamed for this, but I will sometimes run a low dose Deca, like 250mg's, with my test and tren cycle, it helps to relieve shoulder pain from a nagging injury. Caber is good, heck I take caber 2x a week through PCT... good wood. haha 2nd cycle for you, why not stick to 2 compounds. Try Test @ 600mgs and Deca @ 500mg's for 14 weeks. You should make excellent gains if you diet correct and train hard.

what type of shoulder issue ?? I am also fighting a shoulder issue. I was told i have swollen tender, semi impingement..I heard deca was good for joint lubracation. So you did notice a pain relief with a low dose deca??? That alone would make me want to use it. LOL..