2nd Cycle Test Deca Dbol Input from Educated Members


New member
Age: 26
Height: 5'7"
BF: 14%
Training Experience: 6 years (on-off)


First if all I have a set goal in mind to achieve a weight of 200 with 10% bf
I am trying to accomplish this through 3 cycles in 2 years with proper diet and hard training!

Last year I run my 1st cycle, which included:
week 1-10:Test E @ 500mg/week (250mg x2 weekly)
week 1-6 : Dbol @ 40 mg/ed
Week 12-15 Nolvadex (40 mg/40/20mg ed)

Arimidex and Hcg in hand was never used since no real side effects were noticed.
Huge strength increase.
Week 1 weight: 155 bf: 14%
Week 15 weight: 180 bf: 17%
BF testing performed with calipers.
After 6 months I kept all the gains and put some more muscle with bf of 14% at 175 lbs
Lost some strength but I care mostly of the body image and I am now ready for my next cycle.

So here's how I've planned my 2nd cycle after a lot of research for solid gains before I do a 3d cut cycle.
week 1-12 Test E 600mg/week (300 mg 2x weekly)
week 1-11 Deca 400 mg/week (200 mg 2x weekly)
week 1-6 Dbol 50mg/ed

week 1-12 Hcg throught Cycle 250iu 2x weekly for better quicker recovery of the testes
week 1-12 Arimidex 0.5mg/eod as A.I. and also help with water retention.
week 15-19 Clomid (50/50/50/50 ed )and Nolvadex (40/40/20/20 ed) for PCT
Bromo in hand just in case for Prolactin issues with Deca
Letrozole in hand just in case for strong Estrogen issues.
I am not sure yet how I can detect if it is a Prolactin or Estrogen issue but will probably add Bromo and replace Arimidex with Letrozole if anything goes wrong.

Please let me know if you think this cycle looks solid or if you would change something with the doses.
For 3d cycle I plan running Test P, Tren A, Cytomel with proper ancillaries and PCT.
So the goal here is to put on as much mass as possible and close to target weight in order to cut 4 months after pct.

Therefore I'm between going for a clean bulk like my 1st cycle and maybe increasing the dosage of Test E at 750mg weeks 6-12 or increase caloric intake and gain some more fat with it (having in mind that I'm 14% already and some fat this cycle is guaranteed already because of the high caloric intake planned)
Alos what is your opinion on frontloading any of the gear?

If you took the time to read this I greatly appreciate it and I thank you for it.
I encourage you to leave me a comment of your honest and highly educated opinion.
All input is welcome.
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People are going to pick this apart no matter what you put... lol
Run your test out 2 weeks longer than your Deca... Deca is a 12 week minimum cycle.

Maybe look like this :
Test E 600mg/week 1-14
Deca 500mg/week 1-12
Dbol 40-50mg/day 1 -4 (depending on the quality)

Or you can make that a longer cycle by adding more weeks to the length of time you run the Deca..

Run your Dbol at the beginning of your cycle, not the end...

You might like Aromasin over Arimadex... If so it's 12.5mg/eod 2 weeks into your pct to avoid estro rebound.

Good luck
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Thanks for the reply Yes.
Dbol is at the beginning of the cycle, like I said week 1-6.
My weeks are already set in that I have to take week 13 and 14 off.
You're going to miss out on the best 2 weeks of Nandrolone, when she's at her finest : )
Can't make the adjustment and maybe start earlier ? I take it that you are not going to be around after the 12th week or something ?
Just front load and kick start your deca with NPP and you'll have nandolone working for you the whole cycle

Why wait for the long ester deca sweet spot at week 10,, get. It at week 4
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Unfortunately I cannot make any adjustments.
Unless I push the cycle after those two weeks but I would get more bang for my buck if I did it now in my opinion.
Do you really think those two weeks will make that big of a difference?
I've been told by my source that 10 weeks of deca is just fine as well.
NPP is not available and I did think about it. I can only work with the gear mentioned.
Yup, it's a good idea to kick it with NPP if you can get it. I would still push that cycle for 14-16 weeks if I could : )

10 weeks of Deca is like leaving the party before the nudie girls get there...

Your clomid dosage looks pretty strong to me, that would make me a bit blurry eyed...
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You should run deca 14+ weeks and test 2+ weeks longer. A few things. Adex needs to be taken from beginning of cycle up to pct. Same with hcg. Letro ain't going to do shit for prolactin issues. Prami or caber will. You don't want to drop the adex during cycle. Doesn't seem like you really understand letro, progesterone, and prolactin at all. Bloodwork will be able to get u dialed in. I wouldn't touch the letro.
In my opinion, you never really ran a proper first cycle. You had hcg and your ai "on hand". That's ignorant. Your pct is a lil crazy too. 150mgs of clomid is overkill. 50mgs is all you need. Read this link...

Thanks for the input Tbonexl.
I know Letrozole will not help with Prolactin.
I said I have Bromocriptine to counter prolactin issues.
Letrozole will replace Arimidex in case the issue is due to progesterone since it's a stronger AI. I think what I'm saying makes sense. And I agree about Clomid dosage. It may be overkill. I will adjust. Thanks again
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Letro ain't going to do shit for progesterone bud. Prami or caber will. Letro is just a stronger ai then adex. Go read the steroid profiles at the top. Your misinformed...
I know, I meant if issue is due to estrogen then I will use Letro.
Bromocriptine is my available choice for progesterone issue and prolactin.
If I could have Aromasin or Caber available I would gog with those deff, but again, this is all I have for now.
I think I'll be fine.
Adex is fine. If u run into shit, letro will just crash your e2. Better keep reading up on things...
If you are in the US you can order from the site sponsor at the top. They sell good shit and will get it to you quick.