2nd cycle - Test E/Prop, Deca, Dbol; few questions


New member
Hey guys, I’m getting ready to start my second cycle. The goal of this cycle is to simply add weight, both on the scale and in my compounds. Diet will be relatively clean for the most part and I am aiming for at least 3500 cals ED. Here are my stats and proposed cycle;

Age- 25
Height – 6’
Weight 200
BF - 8%

First cycle was 500mg test E (2x weekly) for 14 weeks with a strict PCT. I did not use HCG my first cycle, however.

Second cycle;

Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate –400mg (Pinned 2x weekly with test) week 1-14

Dianabol – 50mg ED week 1-4

Test prop – 150mg EOD week 1-4

Test E – 500mg (250mg 2x weekly) 1-16 weeks

Arimidex - Week 1-18 – .3-.5mg EOD

HCG -Week 1-16 : 500iu E3D
Week 17-18: 500iu EOD

PCT – 4 Days after last HCG pin
Clomid – 50/50/40/40/30
Nolva- 25/25/25/25

Caber on hand (tabs), use as necessary is what I’m getting from other threads.

Support I’ve been taking/will be taking;
Fish oils (3g daily)
Liv 52
Milk thistle

I also had blood tests done before, during, and twice after my first cycle. It wasn't an easy recovery but everything is checking out good besides my thyroid which seems to be an underachiever, but I will be monitoring this during the cycle. I also just had my pre-cycle blood work done for this cycle. Here are my questions;

1. Most importantly; my first cycle, I found I am slightly prone to gyno. Around week 4 I started dosing adex, and found that .3mg EOD is enough to keep gyno and bloating away @ 500mg test. With this cycle being test dbol and deca, should I up my dosage to .5mg EOD and start it right off the bat? And should I taper down after I’m done with the dbol?

2. The whole idea of the prop is to get the test to kick in earlier because it took forever my first cycle. In order to do this, do I still pin the test E the first 4 weeks as well with the prop? Also, should I worry about frontloading either?

3. I am pretty sure this isn’t an issue, but is it okay to combine test prop/E/deca into the same syringes?

4. I kind of wanted a lower dosage of dbol for my second cycle, but my source was unable to get anything but 50mg caps and I cannot separate them. Is this too much or will I be fine?

If there's anything else that needs tweaking with this cycle please let me know. Thank you guys for helping my construct my cycles and not gear up like a moron, like so many of the people around me do...
You're gonna have a hell of a time controlling your estrogen levels at the beginning of the cycle.

Especially since you have experience with one compound only and now you are essentially running 4 at once.

I'd drop either the dbol or deca. Run one or the other, see how your body responds and then run an additional compound next run.
Thanks for the responses guys.

The point of running the test prop up front was to get the test to kick in sooner. If you think its that bad of an idea though, I can drop the dbol and prop. I didn't think adding the prop would be such a big deal.
Personally I don't see an issue with front loading. 3J def has got way more experience than I so maybe he can chime in on issues he sees with it.

Dropping the dbol is a good call. Deca doesn't aromatize to the degree test and dbol do.

However, If you do run prop you'll still have to watch your e levels closely as test e and prop aromatize at different rates + you'll be injecting a fair amount of hormone per week.

Definitely not trying to talk you out of it. I'd front load if I ran this cycle. Maybe even front load the deca with npp.
I was already on the fence about the dbol because 50mg 1x daily seems like a lot, so I don't really mind dropping it. I really thought using the prop up front would have been a good idea, though. For my first cycle it took a good 3-4 weeks for the test to kick in.
Okay well after looking into it a lot further, I kind of realized I'm trying to push it for my second cycle. I'm going to drop the dbol, prop and after reading this thread https://forums.t-nation.com/t/9-months-of-deca-dick/197279/35
I'm going to drop the deca as well, and probably not touch a nandrolone for a while. For my first cycle I also ran test cyp, so I might respond slightly different to test e. I am thinking of stacking either anavar or EQ for this cycle. Would love some suggestions on which to stack, or anything else...