2nd Cycle Test/Var - Cutting


New member
My first cycle was a success, I kept some of my gains, lost body fat, but PCT was a motherfucker. When I am shut down in the first few weeks of post cycle therapy (pct), I'm a psychological mess, but nevertheless, I bounced back and here we are, I think I'll up the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) this time while on cycle.

Below are my stats and my proposed 2nd cycle for cutting.


Blood tests run and look good.

2nd Cycle proposal - CUTTING

1-10 test cyp 450mg/wk (250mg M&Th)
6-12 Anavar (var) 50mg ed
1-16 Arimidex .5mg EOD
1-10 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 1000iu/wk (Higher for me bc I dont recover well)
10-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2000iu/wk
13-16 Nolva 40/40/20/20
13-16 Clomid 100/100/50/50
6-16 Liver Supp (hawthorne, Milk Thistle)

Does this dosage look right?

I've been training for 8 years (hard 4 years). One of my parents is a kettle bell trainer, so I have good form, lifting discipline, etc. Here's a sample of my week:

M- Cardio AM - Chest, Bis PM
t- Cardio AM - upper Back, Tris PM
w- Legs and lower back
Th- off
Fri- Shoulders (its own day bc my toughest to build)
Sat- Cardio AM, Core PM (abs, obliques, lower back)

Lean Proteins
Veggies & Fruit
Sweet taters
brown rice
Lean dairy (cottage cheese, 1% milk, Yogurt, etc)
Minimal Sugars

2500 Cal per day
Min 200g Protein (inc 1 shake + Aminos)

Diet Sample is as follows:
8:30a- Egg Whites, oats, banana
10a- Low fat cottage cheese + Kale
12noon- Chicken Breast + Brown Rice, Greens
2p- Beef Jerky, Almonds, yogurt
4p- (pre-workout) spinach, ground turkey, fruit
6:30p- Post workout shake (40g pro, 20g Carbs)
7:30p- Salmon, Sweet potatoes, green beans.
10:00 Bed

Any Advice is welcome!
More Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a debatable topic, but I think you may be overboard. Usually people would either run it throughout (say 500iu/week) or blast at the end as you proposed. You are wanting to double up. That sucks about the PCT but I don't know that lots of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is the answer. It would appear your first cycle wasn't too heavy based on your proposed second run, so not sure why you were so down during your PCT but the mental aspect of this game is often more difficult that the physical. PCT is a time to pull your shit together and try even harder to keep what you earned.

Diet and exercise routine look in order. If you watch that dairy and sodium and up the cardio you should cut up nicely.
Hey I am looking to do a Test E cycle and I cant find a good website to order them from for nothing in the world. Does anyone know where I can get a 10 week cycle with something for pct and anti-estrogen? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I would drop the nolva, IMHO. And you are fine using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 1000iu EW. That's what I run. I would also up the cals, I know you are cutting...but being 245 and only taking in 2500 cals a day is a bit on the low side. Good luck!

