2nd cycle tren e test e/ help!


New member
Hi everyone really excited to get on the forum and see what you all have to say and contribute just want to say thanks in advance. So let's get down to it.

Age 22
Height 5'7
Weight 160lb
Bf% 13-15
Lifting experience lifted a lot in high school lost a lot of weight gave up on it after a few years but this last year I have been back in full swing and giving it my all diet is on point (to my standards atleast)

Cycle experience did a dbol only in high school about 5 years ago, I'm 4 months after pct of a 14 week blast consisting of

Deca 300mg 1-12
Test c 500mg 1-14
Liquidex 1mg eod ( had creaky joints but also sore nips near the end)
Dbol 50mg 1-5

Pct 2 weeks after last test shot
Clomid 100/50/50/50/25
Nolva 50/50/50/50/25

I started the deca cycle at 135lb I know fucking stupid but I went up to 170lb lots 10 in pct I'm 4 months after the fact and sitting at 160lb so all in all I'm very happy with it.

Thinking recomp would be a smart move for me to get rid of the spair tire LOL.

Tren e 300mg 1-10
Test e 250mg 1-12
Letro .25mg e3d
I have Winny and dbol as well on hand thinking about running Winny tail end of cycle for 4 weeks at 50mg

Any advice welcomed / ps I know first timers should go with tren ace I simply will not be following that I know at own risk thanks everyone cheers.
17 years old when you did your first cycle? That said, have you had blood work done at any point?
Never had bloods done no it's kind of touchy asking in Canada and yeah I was 17 when I took the Purple Hearts dbol only did 3 weeks at a stupid low dosage my first real cycle I was 21 still to young i know but I feel my cycle layout was smart and I studied forums months before even ordering anything and I feel my out come was really good here my transformation thanks for the comment.View attachment 565360
Too young bro can't give advice besides diey training and be very consistant you will grow easily. I made a mistake when I was your age now I live with it and will until I get surgery.
You have not studied as to WHY you should NOT cycle at such a young age. You will not get much advice on here due to your age. WE don't like to be reclus and help you pulling the trigger.

Really 2nd cycle and Tren...? Very foolish, n stupid.
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U look good dude. Slow down. IF u must test only...tren after 3-4 yrs of test and maybe an oral but really son, ur half my age u got 21 more yr s to get to the point where ur on trt 4 ever...slave to rx meds with all the associated B/S office check in s BW and all the associated crap.


Eat more
man, it seems you're just throwing the kitchen sink at your body wanting something to work.

It shows a lack of patience, which is what BBing is all about.

Given your age, that isn't a good impression to give.

Are you trying to become a professional "something" by taking gear? Football, BBer, wrestler etc?
Appreciate everything from you guys I'm not trying to become a pro of any kind I do want to compete for self accomplishment but I do not want to take drugs to make it pro in any sport. I do agree with you though Iam impatient I will work on that thank guys.
I ended up cutting naturally instead of using tren cause I don't believe I was ready for it. I'm heading to Mexico April so I'll start in May but when I get back I'm running

Dbol 50mg Ed 1-6
Test c 600mg 1-16
Deca 300mg 1-14
Mast e 400mg 1-16

Letro .5mg e3d

Pct standard clomid nolva


What do you guys think about swapping the dbol for anadrol?
And will the letro be okay? I ran my last cycle with liquidex and it did fuck all for my sore nips.

I'm sitting at 165lbs right now so up 5lbs naturally since my last cycle and down from 15% bf to about 12%. Thanks guys ology is the place to be