2nd run with DNP


Hey guys just wanted to make a quick log to document my 2nd attempt at DNP. To give you some background, I have done numerous AAS cycles over the past 4 years and I tried DNP for the first time in the spring of 2010. It was an awful experience because I had many outdoor obligations at the time and I was also using an underdosed Syntrop DNP. I made it through 10 days and called it quits, I had to ramp up to 800MG of their stuff to feel any heat, and then I had an outdoor wedding, 2 outdoor concerts I had already paid for tickets for my girlfriend and I, etc., it was miserable.

Round 2

I'm already on my 5th day of my 2nd DNP cycle. Started on Friday 9/10. New DNP from a new source. The first 2 days I ran the DNP at 400mg. On the second day I was already sweating pretty hard. My goal was to run the DNP at 600mg for 14 days total. On the 3rd day I ramped up to 600 and I'm on day 5 at the same dose.


For those of you who haven't used DNP, but have heard of it, you probably have heard mostly horror stories about how miserable it is and how it can kill you, etc., etc. I will attest first hand that the DNP experience is quite miserable, but the overall weight loss that can come out of it is phenomenal. It just takes patience and endurance. And what you have to endure is: extreme lethargy, very little sleep, extreme sweating, and the possible embarrassment of being seen in public by someone you know.

I already knew coming into this, as its my 2nd, what to expect. I knew I should expect worse sides this time around given I received an adequately dosed DNP. By day 3 I was already sweating like a pig. And I'm not just talking about sweating and being hot upon eating carbohydrates, this is all the time. This is like Trenbolone to the 3rd degree. Thank God I'm NOT using Tren right now, I'd imagine it to be completely unbearable. (I'm actually on 600mg of Test-P and 400mg of NPP atm).


Training on DNP is tough. I'm literally doing 0 cardio because I do not want to take the chance of overheating, as it is still considered "summer weather" and it's still in the upper 80's most days. I am doing my normal M/W/F lift split. My first lift on Monday was much tougher than usual. I already felt the effects of the DNP. Energy was low, and there was no way I could keep up anywhere near my normal 5x5 routine weight # that I did the previous week. I actually decided to drop all of my lifts to weights light enough that I can hit between 15-20 reps per set. This is a glycogen depletion workout and I have seen it recommended by other vets during a DNP course.


Forgot to put this little important tidbit in at first. My diet prior to the DNP was 60-80g fat, 300g carbs, 250g protein. During the DNP run I have cut the carbs down to about 125-150g per day, and the fat down to around 40g per day, leaving the protein where it is currently at 250g per day. I am sticking to mostly fruits for my carb source. Carbs that burn up quickly are the best IMHO when using DNP. Slow burning carbs will keep the elevated heat prolonged and I want to be feeling the DNP heat as little as possible. I take in the majority of my carbs at breakfast and PWO, along with 600mg of ALA. I'm drinking a gallon of water per day and possibly a diet soda or a G2 here and there.

So far

So far at day 5 I'm down 3lbs. I weigh myself at the same time of day every day on my digital scale wearing no clothing. I know that DNP will possibly put water on you, and therefore it is expected to not see a full weight loss number until a few days after stopping the drug. (note: I'm on Letro E3D so I'm not sure how this will effect the water put on by DNP) That being said, I already feel like I can see a change in my physique. Coming off of a relatively clean bulk, I had some excess baggage and bloat I wanted to get rid of. Because using the DNP is basically like eating a no-carb diet, I've watched water and belly bloat completely fall off since day 1. Now I'm ready for some true fat burning action. I'm sitting at 210 right now and I'd like to see at the very least another 5-7 lbs of fat come off in the next 9 days, which I think is very much so realistic. If I am still up for it at day 14, I will do a 3rd and final week. It all depends on how I feel physically and how I look in the mirror.
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Feeling like absolute hell this morning. Last night was by far the worst sweating I've ever experienced. I woke up with the bed drenched, put my sheet over top of the liner, soaked that an hour later, put the blanket over top of the sheet, soaked that an hour later, then threw down a beach towel and woke up for the last time with that soaked. Soaked through 3 pillows and then I ran out of clean ones so I just had to use a damp one for the rest of the night. Very tired.
JEEEESUS MAN!!!!!! that sounds rediculous... some things... i just wont understand why people put there bodies through that.
Damn dude.... This sounds like hell.... Complete hell. Why don't you just get on a strict diet and good workout routine and get your goals straightened instead of putting your body through such stress?
I'm one of those people who likes to see what all the hype is about. Some people give certain drugs an undeserved good or bad rep. I'm just trying to find some common ground. Show the pro's and con's to using a drug like DNP. I can say this right now, I would *NOT* recommend DNP to anyone who has a job that requires them to be outdoors, especially in spring and summer weather. Hell, at this dose (600mg) I couldn't recommend it to anyone who had a full time job period. I've been wearing only gym clothes since starting DNP just incase someone saw me out somewhere, they'd think, oh he must have just ran, or gone to the gym, that's why he's sweaty. God forbid I wore some nice clothes, I'd look like a heroin addict going through severe withdrawals.
Gonna try to get some Liquid Glycerol/Glycerine today to hopefully help me hold onto some of the water rather than sweat it out 24 hours a day. Getting some coconut water too for potassium/electrolytes.
Back from the gym today, its day 6. I'm REALLY feeling the DNP kicking my ass today. My workout consisted of 1 set of 20 reps for each of my exercises. I do Shoulders and Legs on Wed, 3 exercises each. I was out of breath quickly, panting like a dog, I was in the gym for maybe 15-20 minutes most and sweatier than I normally am after my FULL normal routine. Took 3 tablespoons of Glycerine upon getting home, in hopes that it will help keep me hydrated. I'm drinking a gallon of water a day currently, plus 2-3 G2's, and after my little work out I had cotton mouth and my lips were chapped. Got a box of 12 1 liter jugs of coconut water from the vitamin store for 20 bucks, figured that was a pretty good deal for 12 liters worth. Going to start hitting those for extra electrolytes and potassium once they're cold.
be careful bro. i've done a couple cycle of DNP before, never exceeded 400mg/day. If I do it again, it'l be la be a 21 day cycle @ 200mg or something light like that. I can't stand the sweats and all the lethargy that follows. It really drains you out. I have a TON of DNP left over. it's ashame cus i'll most likely never use it again.
Good log. I won't be using DNP ever, but interesting to see you do it lol. Sounds worse than just doing a diet. It's got to take a toll on your body. Be smart with it bro.
It has it's pro's and con's just like everything else in this world. Yes, a diet would include more dedication to diet selection and cardio, but DNP does it's job in it's own right. Because I know first hand if I overdo it on the carbs, I am going to turn into a DNP inferno within 30 minutes, I know better and I stay away from carbs after dinner. This in a sense basically forces me to abide by some dieting rules that can sometimes be hard to follow on their own. My incentive is that I don't want to feel like absolute shit for the rest of the night and be unable to sleep. But yeah, the toss up is, doing a diet is much easier on the body and less taxing in general. Dealing with the heat all day is definitely tough. If the glycerine doesn't stop my insane night sweats to a certain extent I'll be dropping back down to 400mg by the end of the week. Think of Tren night sweats to the 10th degree. That's what DNP is like at a higher dose.

To compare, when I was on 100mg EoD of Tren ace this summer, I'd leave my house, and by the time I got down my driveway and into my hot car, I'd have sweat trickling down my forehead. This irked me because if I was about to go out and do something, especially with other people, I hated the fact that I had to do it with a damp face and pit stains 99% of the time.

With DNP, I'm sitting in my house with the air on 71 degrees and a box fan pointed at my face. I lifted weights over 3 hours ago and I still have a steady stream of sweat rolling down my back and chest. 15 minutes after I take a shower, I'm damp and sweaty again. Going anywhere is basically NOT on my priority list until the DNP run is finished.
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sounds like hell to me lol, I couldn't sign up for that. But the log will help others know what to expect
Last night was still hellacious but not nearly as bad as the night before. I ate dinner late (7PM) and did not eat anything at all afterwards. I believe this, plus the liquid Glycerine cut down on my night sweats. I still woke up every 1-2 hours and had to change the surface and pillow I was sleeping on. Went through multiple beach towels and pillowcases over the course of the night. Despite sweating through all of this, I was not hot all night long. I was cold enough from the box fan/AC that I needed the comforter on me, which probably made my sweating a little worse. I would not recommend eating within 4 hours of going to sleep, it makes the sweats much worse. Pretty tired today, thank god I'm on prescription Adderall, else I'd have to run an ECA stack with the DNP to keep my energy levels up. The lethargy from DNP coupled with a crazy "wake up every 1-2 hours" sleep pattern is pretty taxing on the mind and body.
Yeah my last cycle was Syntrop brand it was definitely underdosed. I was running 800mg of their stuff and my sides are 10 times worse on 600mg of what I'm on now. I know for a fact that it is 90% pure. Today hasn't been too awful. Honestly some people experience the "DNP shits" but as I normally get most of my fiber from Double fiber Natures Own wheat bread and Oatmeal, I'm not getting as much as usual because I stay away from slow burning carbs. I'm only hitting the toilet once a day right now in the AM. Mainly because I find that the DNP furnace burns about twice as long or more on complex carbs, and I'm not trying to deal with that if I don't have to. My only carbs today have been from minimal amounts of milk in my shakes and 2 bananas.

BTW - I didnt weigh in yesterday, as of today my scale says I've dropped another 4 pounds in the last 48 hours. This strikes me as somewhat odd. I did take my letro yesterday, I take it E3D. But I also started Glycerol yesterday which I assumed would make me hold on to some more liquid to stay hydrated. Weighed at the same time of day, only in my underwear.
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Day 8 - still sitting on 7lbs lost so far but I have not done a weigh in yet today. I slept better last night, I put a box fan on either side of my bed on nightstands and pointed them directly at myself. Wrapped my pillows in beach towels and put a couple down on the bed. Used them as blankets too when it got cold. I woke up only 3 times last night. I'm going to cut back to 400mg today for the rest of my cycle, I NEED sleep if I want to recover next week to get back in the gym.
Good to see a log with another Run besides Syn. After we talked like 4 months ago I got some and as you stated a few times its ridiculously under dosed. I work construction And I worked 4 hours one day before I even broke a sweat on 800MG.

Im waiting on a package from D with some 250mg tabs. He is the first source I found that puts other supps in his caps that helps with the sides of DNP and hes pretty cheap so im going to give it a go. should be here today or tomorrow.

On a side note, when I finally bumped up my dosage of the syn and I was having a hard time sleeping I got some ZMA and slept like a baby. Give it a try if you are having shitty night sleeps.
Good to see a log with another Run besides Syn. After we talked like 4 months ago I got some and as you stated a few times its ridiculously under dosed. I work construction And I worked 4 hours one day before I even broke a sweat on 800MG.

Im waiting on a package from D with some 250mg tabs. He is the first source I found that puts other supps in his caps that helps with the sides of DNP and hes pretty cheap so im going to give it a go. should be here today or tomorrow.

On a side note, when I finally bumped up my dosage of the syn and I was having a hard time sleeping I got some ZMA and slept like a baby. Give it a try if you are having shitty night sleeps.

Honestly my lack of sleep is moreso attributed to the fact that I have multiple fans blowing on a bed that is dampened in sweat, and my body eventually wakes itself up because it's telling me it's cold as f--k. I'd probably have to take something that literally knocks me out to keep me from waking up. I bumped down to 400mg today and I'm hoping that will help some as well. 600 might have been a little high for me. Staying hydrated has become easier since I started the Liquid Glycerol and Coconut water. Lots of Electrolytes and potassium. I'll be glad when my cycle is over because hitting the weights is miserable. I'm doing about 50% weight @ 15-20 reps for (1) set per exercise, and it leaves me beat as hell. I left the gym today panting like a dog locked in a car with the windows rolled up.
Dude, I've been following this train wreck and you're a glutton for punishment. I've read your posts for a few months now and you're no rookie otherwise I'd be a bit concerned. As it is you're just leaving me with a "better you than me" feeling. lol. Your threshold for suffering is a bit higher than mine. I looked into DNP a couple of months ago when deciding on a cutting cycle and there is no shortage of horror stories out there about DNP cycles. How much longer are you going to run it? How many lbs are you down so far?
Dude, I've been following this train wreck and you're a glutton for punishment. I've read your posts for a few months now and you're no rookie otherwise I'd be a bit concerned. As it is you're just leaving me with a "better you than me" feeling. lol. Your threshold for suffering is a bit higher than mine. I looked into DNP a couple of months ago when deciding on a cutting cycle and there is no shortage of horror stories out there about DNP cycles. How much longer are you going to run it? How many lbs are you down so far?

As of today I've literally lost 1lb of fat for every day that I've been on. I'm down 9 lbs. with 5 days to go. Yesterday I dropped my dose down to 400mg, 1 cap at 9am and 1 cap at 3pm. This changed my dosing schedule (which was 9am, 1pm, 5pm), and it actually worked out better already. I had about half the night-sweat issues that I've been going through thus far last night. To me only waking up and changing the surface I'm sleeping on 2-3 times isn't bad. The first few days at 600mg I was awake every 1 hour putting new beach towels down on top of my sheets until I literally ran out. The optimal dose of DNP is 2 to 3mg per lb of body weight. I knew this coming in, and starting at 210 I should have just listened and stayed at 400 the whole time. Because of being wary from a previous cycle of DNP that was underdosed, I bumped it up to 600 on day 3 just to make sure, and stuck it out for 6 more days. The weight loss is phenomenal, I couldn't expect anything near 9 lbs in 9 days with any other weight loss aid. I've used ECA, Clen, and T3 in the past, DNP beats them all hands down. In doing some research I've also found DNP to be much less dangerous than T3 in terms of heart health issues. DNP is also not toxic to the liver or kidneys.

That being said, weight loss drugs in general are addictive. I can understand numerous reasons why DNP isn't marketed as a weight loss drug to the public. It's a tough to maintain a normal lifestyle using DNP. Sweating all day, fighting dehydration using any means necessary, lack of sleep, etc. To the average person, especially someone who has not done extensive research on the use of DNP, I can see how it would be easy to misuse this drug and end up dead in a pool of sweat. But to us in the AAS community, especially those of us who are always seeking knowledge and always researching products and drugs long before we use them, I believe DNP is a safe drug, overall. If you're in a position to where you work from home, have a break from school in between semesters, or a more slack office type job, DNP could be used without much issue. I'd still never recommend it to someone with a manual labor job, in any respect. Indoors, outdoors, doesn't matter.

The lethargy from DNP making ATP synthesis extremely inefficient turns you to jelly, especially at higher doses. My normally intense workouts were turned into 1 set exercises at about 50% max load. I've gotten aggrevated over the past few days over having to do anything at all, honestly. I walked down the stairs the other day, and when I got to the bottom I realized I had left my keys back upstairs. To the normal person, no big deal. To a person on 600mg of DNP, another stair climb and descent is enough to cause forehead perspiration like you wouldn't believe. Basically if you are in a position to where you can't take it easy for the duration of a DNP cycle, it probably isn't for you. Maybe at 200mg, the lowest dose possible that I'd recommend. The weight loss would be less dramatic, and you'd have to span it out over possibly 3 to 4 weeks, rather than an intense 1 to 2 weeker. To each his own. I decided to go through hell and get it over with quickly.

OH yeah, side note. I haven't said anything yet about yellow bodily fluids. This is my 2nd DNP cycle, even at 600mg I have never noticed yellow colored sweat. I'm not sure if this is a myth or not. I have had some transference from the caps to my hands, and they were stained yellow. This took literally 2-3 days to come off, about a dozen handwashes and 5-6 showers ( I take 2 cold showers a day on DNP). About the semen, it is disgusting. My girlfriend already knew about it, and she almost had to run for the toilet this time around. At 600mg 90% pure DNP, my manjuice basically looks like the yellow part of a lemon meringue pie. The test/npp plus the color from the DNP..it's really nasty to be honest. Needless to say, I have not gotten, and will not get laid whilst on DNP. I don't blame her either.
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