3 1/2 year transformation pics ( recovering alkie)

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You can also periodize your training. Increase intensity weekly to a crescendo then drop back to 60-70% and slowly increase again. Each cycle try different methods and/or exercises but keep ramping up intensity until your at the overtraining threshold. Constant overtraining can limit gains and lead to injury, might try that partner

thats what i do with DUP...constantly added more volume over a period of time..rarely training to failure...and at first i thought not training to failure wouldn't yield good results but by not going to failure all the time your body is ready to crush weight always and the growth is starting.
Okay, Spent a LOAD of time and decided to make a new routine using the DC Style. I have no idea how long this is going to take me to do:

Week 1: Mon= A, Tue= C/Cardio, Wed = B, Thursd = Cardio, Fri = A, Sat = C/Cardio, Sun = Cardio
Week 2: Mon= B, Tue= C/Cardio, Wed = A, Thursd = Cardio, Fri = B, Sat = C/Cardio, Sun = Cardio

Day A (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Back Width, Back Thickness):
1 Incline (RP) 11-15 Total
3 Flat-bench (RP) 11-15 Total
5 Straight Chest press (RP) 11-15 Total

1 Military press (RP) 11-20 Total
3 Med-grip upright rows (RP) 11-15 Total
5 Shoulder presses (RP) 11-20 Total

1 Close-grip bench press (RP) 11-20 Total
3 Triceps extensions (RP) 15-30 Total
5 Machine dips 11-20 (RP) 11-20 Total

1 Underhand pulldown machine (RP) 11-15 Total
3 Front Wide-grip pulldowns (RP) 11-15 Total
5 Close-grip pulldowns (RP) 11-15 Total

1 Deadlift (NO) 6-9 and 9-12 Total
3 Rack deadlifts (NO) 6-9 and 9-12 Total
5 T-bar rows (NO) 10-12 Total

Day B (biceps, forearms, calves, hamstrings, quads):
2 EZ Barbell Curls (RP) 11-20 Total
4 Hammer Curls (RP) 11-20 Total
6 Preacher Curls (RP) 11-20 Total

2 Slow Front Plate Curls (NO) 10-20 Total
4 Barbell wrist curls (NO) 10-20 Total
6 Cable Front curls (NO) 10-20 Total

2 Leg-press Calves (NO) 10-12 Total
4 Smith Machine Calves (NO) 10-12 Total
6 Seated Calve Raises (NO) 10-12 Total
~All Reps done with Slow and Full Strech~

2 Lying Leg curls (RP) 15-30 Total
4 Sumo leg press (NO) 15-25 Total
6 Seated Leg curls (RP) 15-30 Total

2 Squats (NO) 4-8 and 20+ Total
4 Hack Squats (NO) 4-8 and 20+ Total
6 Leg presses 4-8 (NO) 20+ Total

Day C (Front Abs, Lower Abs, Side Abs):
3 Plate Side bends (RP) 11-15 Total
3 Ab Crunches (RP) 11-15 Total
3 Leg Raises (RP) 11+ Total

Okay, I did this ENTIRE work of "A" today. Took me 2.5 Solid Hours of constant pushing myself with hardly any rest. I did follow the 15 second rule using the RP method.

Example of RP Set:
1 Chest Incline RP = 8-11 Reps Fail, 15 DB, To Failure, 15 DB, To failure, DONE SET
RP = Rest-Pause, DB = Deep Breaths

I don't know whether or not to throw this routine out. It seemed to be a optimal one and it's suppose to be "LOW VOLUME"....I mean there is not much sets for each muscle group if u stop and think about it, but the total time it takes to hit that many muscles for the sets required is crazy.


Wow, Just came to relaize what I messed up about DC training. It's suppose to be about: 1 SET RP PER MUSCLE GROUP. I see now how it can be done within 45minutes or under easily.....

Wasted 2.5 hours and beat myself down so much today. Oh well, lesson learned. Finally after enough trial and error, I got a routine under 45 minutes with hitting each muscle group 3 times per week. Perfect for saving muscle during a cut and 4 off days with cardio. :)

PS: I'm super anxious for my next bulk. Going to be some M A D results baby
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Your doing almost 3 days at the gym in one sitting. One day you'll understand that less is a hell of a lot more...

Today I did back. Warmed up with cable pull downs. I did 5 sets of pull ups with various grips. 3 sets of bent over barbell rows. 3 sets of deadlifts. I finished with 3 sets of cable rows. 14 sets. 45 min. Done... I train 5 days a week. You need rest and recovery to grow bud...
Those are.for.chest.and traps, one.is for.arms
Looking for a good video for bicep/triceps using cables or whatever for.maximum growth
Good tips and training routines in here guys. My favorite thing right now is more of a non routine tho. Rather, I've been focusing on things like rep speed meaning slow negative movements, explosive positive or eccentric I think it's called. Impeccable form also, making sure when I get to the top of the movement I'm squeezing flexing the muscle as hard as possible. Yeah, not focusing as much on numbers as on muscle fatigue to the point of failure on final sets. Usually with either drop sets or holding the weight and lowering as slow as possible to the bottom of the movement. Mainly I've been working on muscle confusion as much as possible never doing the same workout twice in a row. I'm TRT lifer, but currently running a nice testosterone only blast at 500mgs/wk. As someone stated above, I started this non routine routine when I started my blast about a month and a half ago. The results have been noticeably acceptable including strength and size gains throughout. I must say as long as I've been working out, these techniques & tips given, other than mine also will work well for most but NOT if you diet isn't dialed in. Mine isn't great but sufficient. Remeber guys the outcome of your body building goals is the sum of 80% diet& rest 20% workout. Good luck fellas!!
Okay, I did this ENTIRE work of "A" today. Took me 2.5 Solid Hours of constant pushing myself with hardly any rest. I did follow the 15 second rule using the RP method.

Example of RP Set:
1 Chest Incline RP = 8-11 Reps Fail, 15 DB, To Failure, 15 DB, To failure, DONE SET
RP = Rest-Pause, DB = Deep Breaths

I don't know whether or not to throw this routine out. It seemed to be a optimal one and it's suppose to be "LOW VOLUME"....I mean there is not much sets for each muscle group if u stop and think about it, but the total time it takes to hit that many muscles for the sets required is crazy.


Wow, Just came to relaize what I messed up about DC training. It's suppose to be about: 1 SET RP PER MUSCLE GROUP. I see now how it can be done within 45minutes or under easily.....

Wasted 2.5 hours and beat myself down so much today. Oh well, lesson learned. Finally after enough trial and error, I got a routine under 45 minutes with hitting each muscle group 3 times per week. Perfect for saving muscle during a cut and 4 off days with cardio. :)

PS: I'm super anxious for my next bulk. Going to be some M A D results baby

You're completely bastardizing DC training, stop it.

It is NOT meant to be a five day plus two cardio days per week program EVER
Just a sample/example workout from dante himself, THIS is what would be done one day:

Dante the actual inventor of DC training said:
Workout 1:

flat bench press (rest paused 11-15 total reps)

seated dumbbell press (rest paused 11-15 total reps)

reverse grip smith machine bench (rest paused 11-15 total reps)

Back width:
wide grip pull ups (rest paused 11-15 total reps)

Back thickness:
deadlift (2 sets of 6-9 reps)

That's one day. That's it.

The next day you rest. MAYBE do some cardio. The third day...back in the gym:

Dante said:
Workout 2:

barbell curls (rest paused 11-15 total reps)

reverse grip ez bar curls (1 set 15-20 reps)

seated calve raise (1 set 12 reps, hold the stretch for 15 seconds with each rep)

lying leg curls (rest paused 15-20 total reps)

barbell squats (1 set of 6-10 reps, then 1 set of 20 reps)

And then you rest a day.

Then you repeat workout 1 (or workout 1B, possibly using different exercises for the same purposes)

Mon: 1
Tue: rest
Wed: 2
Thu: rest
Fri: 1 (or 1B)
Sat: rest
Sun: rest
Mon: 2B
Tue: rest
Wed: 1C
Thu: rest
Fri: 2C
Sat: rest
Sun: rest

Get it? That's one cycle...using three different exercises for the same purpose, over the course of three workouts spread over two weeks.

How many sets should you do? NOT THAT MANY!

Dante said:
Rest Pause

A rest pause is simply taking a quick rest at the end of a set and then performing some additional repetitions. For DC training this is how it works.

1. You will do your first set (after warm ups of course) and rep until failure, rack the weight, and take 12-15 deep breaths.
2. Then you will do another set with the same weight until you hit failure. Again rack the weight and take 12-15 deep breaths and then do another set until failure.

This is the rep and rest pause technique that you must use on most of the DC exercises.

Low Volume & High Frequency

The DC training program uses one work set per body part, per workout. But it is a high intensity rest pause set. By hitting failure 3 times within one set, you will stimulate growth without the need for additional sets and exercises.


If you're going to "use" DC training, use it properly ffs.
Wouldnt it be much better to get a grasp of training before jumping on big amounts of gear?
You even have problems understanding examples of simple routines people are giving you..
Matt - that mirror is WAY better

Now - clean it, clean the lens on your phone, and centre yourself in the frame (and mirror) and you'll be on your way to taking real, internet-worthy selfies!
This is by far the most entertaining thread I have ever read on this forum. A lot of straight out nonsense being spewed out here.

Even I with my bad choices in life(drugs, used to love them all) trained natural for 10 years before doing my first cycle of tren-a and test-a w/liquid ari to combat the estrogen. I'm quite shocked tbh with the amount of gear being used by the thread starter. Fuck, I didn't even dare putting that first needle in before having read, read and read some more about AAS for about 6 months, prior to my first cycle.

And the lack of knowledge reagarding workout time, routines and diet portrayed by some here is just fucking scary, lol. People just go to the gym without reading and learning first are gonna end up hurting themselves. Used Bill Pearl's(the ol'school BB'ers are ACE in my book, don't like the HGH look of modern BB'ers) book as a bible even before touching my first free-weights in a gym. Todays youth got so many more channels to learn from so it really shouldn't be a problem getting knowledge at all.

And I feel sorry for the thread starter, bragging about his jailtime(it's nothing to brag about at all, jail time sucks ass, believe me I know), violent tendencies(which I don't believe at all, keyboard warrior) and his physique looks shitty as fuck and I would have never taken him for a AAS user tbh.
I mean, even I with my one testicle left after cancer surgery( just call me Einstein) looked waaay better natural and was often a 'suspect' of AAS use by peers in the gym and not to mention the cops, always asking if I used roids before even the thought of it had entered my mind.

Best regards, Mr Obvious, peace!
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To all the ones that need to post bulls hit are the ones lacking themselves, I don't give to FucKS if u read this workout bible or not what a crock of shit lol, your a fuckin HERO
And.post a pic of big guy
I am fat, then skinny, then fat and skinny
U guys knocking are a fuckin joke especially tbone and wombat
And didn't take one.million and one pics, lube myself up and take a pic either, no flexing involved
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