3 Injections of Testosterone enanthate 250mg am I shut down?

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So, a surprise from my work has me on the road for the next 3 months and I am not going to be able to be on my cycle for that time, I currently have injected 3 shots of testosterone enanthate at 250mg. Am I shut down, can I stop now without my PCT and be ok?
Can you get blood work tomorrow? See my signature below. This will tell you if you are shut down or not. Use the Privatemdlabs one if you go.
I would rec grabbing a bottle of CLOMI and just taking it for a couple weeks to be safe. are you able to take oral stuff with you? pct or no pct you will recover, just slower without pct, if shutdown.
I'd rather be safe then sorry. Take some clomid. If anything it will ease your mind. Well worth the money.
I would bet you are shutdown. When you introduce exogenous test into your body, it begins to adjust. After only 3 shots though and should recover to normal very quickly. I'd take the clomid anyway.