3 weeks on testosterone replacement propocol


New member
I am in good health. 38 years old, 6'1", 165lbs. All blood work was very good. Test was low in the 200 range, oddly enough high IGF-1 at 380

I had a bad experience with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) last year (to little test to much est) felt terrible. All the local docs I talked to had no clue about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) administration and I had to go out of state to find docs that seemed to know what they were doing. Everything I have read on the net made this sound like a pretty good starting place so I am giving it another try.

Day 1 200mg Test C (IM)
Day 2 .5mg Anastrozole
Day 3 .5mg Anastrozole
Day 4
Day 5 1000mcg B-12 (subQ)
Day 6 250 units hCG (subQ)
Day 7 250 units hCG (subQ)

Its been three weeks I feel more relaxed, slightly improved sex drive but still fatigued. No back acne or anxiety this time.

I am pretty knowledgeable about nutrition, supplements ect.but I am interested in weight lifting and have never worked out before. There is a lot of conflicting/bad info out there on the subject. Is there a good source for bodybuilding routines for beginners anywhere?
are you taking your shot once every two weeks? If so from what everybody says and what I am doing you should do it once a week, so take 100mg every week. I can tell you even doing every 7 days the last few days can be a drag. You may not be feeling bad now because your levels are high because natural production hasnt shut down, but once it does once every two weeks probably wont be enough. Best thing to do is keep on your docs and get blood test frequently.
Regarding your weight lifting training. What is you goal, size? If so, I think the best single source of information in my small collection of books is Arnold's Encyclopedia of body building. I still use a lot of his principals successfully. Change up your work outs to keep your body from acclimating. Your stats sound like you are very lean, so you may want to focus on your diet as much as your weight training.

If it is within your means to hire a trainer for a while, it's very very important to learn good form when lifting. I cannot stress this point enough.
At 3 weeks people usually are just starting to feel the effects, but everyone is different. You'll probably be feeling even better in another 3 weeks. You might find good basic information on bodybuilding in one of the other forums here in Steroidology. I haven't seen a protocol with the Anastrozole and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) grouped together like you have. I usually see them both being spread out through the week. Perhaps someone else will chime in on that?
I agree it seems as your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is wrong. Im not on it yet but from everything I read it should be the day before and after your T shot or the day before and day of or day of and day after. But I dont know.
wow your 6'1" and 165lb? thats pretty skinny.

I would concentrate on diet bro. you need to be eating like crazy. At your height you should be close to 200lbs.
maybe seek out our board sponser 3J and see what he recomends for you.

good luck!
yeah thats weird a lot of people like myself that need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) need to lose 20-30lbs. But I agree being six foot you probably should gain another 20lbs at least.
With the help of 200mgs a week of test, you shouldnt have much trouble packing on some lean mass.. Eat a lot, make sure you're getting at least 200grams of protein a day and lift 5x week.. You should see some nice results..