3 weeks so far into peptide cycle....


New member
And I have to say I do love it,

GHRP 6 150mcg and CJC without dac 100mcg 3 x day sometimes 4 times a day If I can squeeze it in.

Healing is through the roof, sleep quality and quantity is fantastic, muscle soreness is almost non-existent(Probably from the improved sleep)
By now the way I am training tendinitis in my elbows would have flared up or a lagging peck minor injury would have stopped my bench all together.

I did feel extremely lethargic the first few days like a ton of dead weight chained to me, but it went away after 4 days, I have read that there is quite a bit of bloat caused by this combo and Have to agree yes I am carrying quite a bit more water......................... I mean a ton more water!!!!!
Yes I am now a pin cushion as well.

Now for my usual list of questions :)

1) I no longer get that face flush or hot sensation is it possible that these current vials are a weaker batch or do these signs no longer appear after a certain time frame or will they reappear with the next vials I use?

2)Should I up the dosage for my peptides to a higher level specifically the ghrp 6? Some say go to 200mcg or higher even with the diminishing returns.

3)Storage of vials both mixed and unmixed what do you guys recommend from experience max time at room temperature or with an ice pack at work etc?

4)Now I know this once is a curve ball but would a low does of t3( I have used it before with clen) say 25 or 50 mcg affect my peptide cycle adversely , and when should I use it and how often to aid in fat loss?
1) over time my rats didnt get any more flushing. This is not necessarily an indicator of peptide quality.
2) 100mcg is saturation dose for ghrp. Keep it at that.
3) for the day on an ice pack is no problem
4) t3 should have no adverse affects on peptides