New member

Every member on the TEAM here at PSL personally wishes to let everyone know how gratifying it has been to receive the overwhelming amount of compliments and support, it's not only encouraging, but it's very rewarding when we see and recognize a large base or returning customers..As we become familiar with each other building a healthy and nurturing business relationship we also learn to listen to your needs, as we take into great consideration everything that YOU have to say!
With this said PSL wishes to extend a gesture of gratitude and appreciation by giving "Thanks"..
We deeply appreciate your endorsement and loyalty!
"Thank you"
As a sign of our promise and commitment to you, we would like to offer a 30% off sale for the next 5 days!

Starting Monday Nov 23rd Until Nov 27th - 30% off all INTERNATIONAL Euro-Pharmacies Oils and Orals (No HGH)
But wait,
We have a special running on the follow HGH product lines (only International lines)
Genotropin 108ius
Gray Tops 100ius
Eurotropin 100ius
- ALL Euro-Pharmacies products - 30% off
( only from international line )
- NEW prices on HGH products
- Shiping ONLY from Europe
- OFFER from 2015-11-23 00:00:00 to 2015-11-27 23:59:00 (USA central time)