350 tren ace w/ 200 test prop/week good for a recomp cycle?


Gym=My Drug
So, the plan is to run an 8 week recomp with 350 tren ace and 200 test prop per week then immediately go into adding size with continuing to cut down the fat with 350 npp, 750 test e, 100 mcg clen per day, and var @100 a day. Maybe some masteron or some eq. What do you guys think? Already started the tren/test p combo. I like that tren and var both burn fat, but I wanted to see how much tren will burn on it's own, plus i'll have that continuous fat burning going through the whole time with tren at first then var, plus the clen with the var. The "second" cycle, if you will, will probably go for about 12 weeks, but if i run the eq then at week 12 i plan to drop everything except the test and eq and then i'll run those 2 for an additional 6-8 more weeks. At the end i'll drop back down to trt and my usual spurts of var here and there at low dose. If i run the eq it'll most likely be a gram a week, and if i go with the mast it'll just be the last 8-9 weeks of the last twelve at 600-800 a week. I know this may be confusing so if your head hurts by now, no one will be upset if you don't chime in. lol. Obviously regular bloodwork, my aromasin, and my dostinex.
Just liver support, aromasin, dostinex, i always have nolva just in case, the usual stuff. I can always work in more compounds!! lol. What did you have in mind, or what do you think as far as the eq or masteron?
I'm confused.. If your on TRT,, then why do you need to run just 200 mg a week of test Prop with the Tren ? why not just keep running your TRT dose of test and add the Tren to that.

and YES I would add 800 mg of Masteron along with that as well. test/tren/mast then your orals.. I wouldn't' bother with a low dose of NPP or EQ at this point,, should get plenty with just those,, note: I am a big fan of NPP though.