3J does it again, ANOTHER success story.


New member
Hi all,

Just wanted to throw a big thumbs up to 3J and his knowledge that he has graced me with.

I came to this site a few months ago looking to gain more knowledge on a cycle that I was prepping for. It was a 1st cycle, test cyp only. Knowing that my BF% was too high, I started the cycle anyway due to expiraton of my cyp I've been sitting on for almost 2 years. This brought me to 3J. So here goes:

Pre Diet:
Age: 33
Weight: 263lbs
BF% 29 (handheld unit)
Stomach: 43 1/2"
Waist: 40"

Diet consisted of Carb Cycling for 6 weeks, switching to a post cycle therapy (pct) diet for 4 after that. Carb cycling is something that I flirted with previously but to none of the detail that 3J presented to me. I was eating WAY more and LOSING weight/size at the same time. Now the kicker....During this diet of 10 weeks, I did my morning cardio approx 9 times and attended the gym 3 times. I really was too busy to concentrate on the gym and AM cardio as much as I should. Ideally, 3J wanted me to do cardio in the AM, fasted; workout and cardio in the evening.

Measurements after diet:
Weight: 240
BF% 20% (handheld unit)
Stomach: 39"
Waist: 38"

I lost 23lbs, 9%bf, 4 1/2" from my belly and an inch off my waistline.

Other measurements did not change much, my quads decreased by 1/2", arms and other areas only decreased minimally.

So all in all, I lost where I needed to and kept the size I wanted to.

3J and I had about 230 emails back and forth over the duration of my diet. We had 100 before I even started. Responses were always quick and adjustments were made in a timely manner. 3J also did research for a week trip I had out of town. He checked on location and foods to eat since I was living out of a hotel. Tell me what dietician would do that for you?

3J, you have a client for life bro. Thank you for all your help and emails, changes and constant questions.

At the new year, I will be doing an Anabolic diet with you. I am looking forward to getting ripped up and gaining some size and strength. 600lb DL is around the corner bro, with your help, lets hit it.
Well done mate, waiting on my diet at the moment and hope I have as much success as you!! Excited

Stick to his advice and DON'T hesitate to ask questions. That is the easiest way to your success. If there's something you get tired of eating, ask him and he'll come up with an alternative. I can't tell you how many times I emailed him for my wife and I. She was a client of 3J as well. She didn't stick with it for the full term though, but thats another story.
When i tell guys they need to use 3J, this is exactly the reason why!!

Those results are nothing short of amazing for only being with him a couple of months.

Results don't lie!

Your losses were mostly fat while retaining muscle!

I love these threads!
I do too Zeek. These type of stories helped push me to 3J. I tell EVERYONE about him. Hope it helps someday. I knew a LOT prior to starting with 3J but doesn't even compare to what he helped me with. People think Supps is where it at. 3J is all about FOOD. No protein supps except for Post W/O while your blood is running. Pre 3J, I was doing 4 pro shakes a day, breakfast, pre/post and bed time. Boy was that wrong. Just the idea of using steak for bed time due to break down times compared to Casein which is a Supplement standard for bed time protection of catabolism is so SIMPLE but way misunderstood. Its amazing that people, including me, have wasted so much money on supps to make up for a shit diet.

Do me a favor all, kick the supps and get your diet in check first. 3J will set you up for a life long mind set of eating right. The money you save on the supps will be spent on your food that is so much better for you.