3J"s Reverse Pyramid Training Philosophy

  • Thread starter Thread starter 3J
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Alright so.. Starting a cycle, looking for a good training routine, came across this one.. It does seem short, but, 3J I know you know what you are doing so I'm just going to go with it and do it with faith in you. That being said, could one do more on gear or is it even necessary? I'm talking 500mg test/week 12 weeks, just a basic cycle.. But I was under the impression you could do a lot more on gear than natural.. Also, My calves are a lot smaller than they should be in comparison to the rest of me.. so maybe I should have more calves in the routine? Maybe a day on their own? Would LOVE your opinion on this.. OH and Abs.. I have had disc fusion back surgery so I can't do deadlifts or squats, will be replacing these with hack squat, or some version of leg press, and for deadlift i'll do some version of rows.. So I will probably need to do some isolation on abs since I wont be targeting them with squats or deadlifts.. anyway any feedback would be great 3J, thanks!
Tried this routine today doing back. I feel like I can never really really work my back. That was not the case today, holy shit!! Felt like my arms were resting on my lats walking around lol great routine!! Excited for chest day.
everyone underestimates the effectiveness of this workout routine.. until they try it lol
There's no way someone with a decent deadlift and squat could do a 5RM and be ready to go in 90 seconds. Overall though this is similar to how my coach programs me for powerlifting. Max effort and high intensity followed by lighter work sets, then burnout drop set. We do more sets though, but for us an entire workout might be squats and variations where with this you'd probably have gas in the tank for more work. I bet this works great for more physique oriented lifters and gets them away from that all hypertrophy 12+ reps so many people do.
Alright so.. Starting a cycle, looking for a good training routine, came across this one.. It does seem short, but, 3J I know you know what you are doing so I'm just going to go with it and do it with faith in you. That being said, could one do more on gear or is it even necessary? I'm talking 500mg test/week 12 weeks, just a basic cycle.. But I was under the impression you could do a lot more on gear than natural.. Also, My calves are a lot smaller than they should be in comparison to the rest of me.. so maybe I should have more calves in the routine? Maybe a day on their own? Would LOVE your opinion on this.. OH and Abs.. I have had disc fusion back surgery so I can't do deadlifts or squats, will be replacing these with hack squat, or some version of leg press, and for deadlift i'll do some version of rows.. So I will probably need to do some isolation on abs since I wont be targeting them with squats or deadlifts.. anyway any feedback would be great 3J, thanks!
haha judging by your username im not the only nerd around here
hi 3J

Great exercise routine this one, started it on monday and finished it today.
my query is on day 4/5:

Day 4 Legs

Squats 15, 4, 6, 8

Leg extensions 15, 4, 6, 8

Leg curls 15, 4, 6, 8

Calf raises 20, 20, 20

Day 5 Arms


Dumbbell bicep curls 15, 4, 6, 8

Dumbbell hammer curls 15, 4, 6, 8

Ez bar bicep curls 15, 4, 6, 8

are we supposed to be drop setting the exercises ( except squats ) ????