3rd cycle - advice and input


New member
Hi guys onto my third cycle, this has been heavily delayed due to various problems but everything is on track, after tons of research and input from various people i have it down to the following cycle.

12 week

1 week before cycle - blood test
Week 1- 12 - test e 250mg
Week 1- 12 - tren e 400mg
Weeks 1-12 hcg 500 split on mon and thu
Week 4-? - dostinex @ 0.5mg every 4 days
Bloods in week 7 (depending on results dostinex may be continued/discontinued and ai added)

Weeks 14-18 clomid @ 50mg ed

Cycle support will be used throughout


5ft 11
Bf- 17%

Diet - 3j coaching


Mon - chest and triceps
Teu- legs
Wed- biceps, triceps and forearms
Thu- shoulders
Fri - back and biceps

Arms are repeated as they are lacking.

Thats pretty much it, any advise would be greatly appreciated.

haha same age as you and height, Im at 198lbs now, and at 10%bf. Looks good to me, i would honestly rather run tren ace to be honest, and test prop, but this will work. Maybe run 500mg/week of test if you can. Don't forget about getting liquid prami too. Also add torem to your pct 120/90/60/40. I would add HCG, tren shut me down like crazy, but with HCG, the balls just hang lol. Or if you can't get HCG, then use clomid at .30mg ed for your balls
Tren Ace most definetly, even if youve ran Tren before each time can differ and you dont want to be stuck in a bad situation for a couple weeks if it decides to rear its ugly head.
Thanks guys, i think my post is confusing, hcg will be ran through out at 500 per week

And dostinex is the brand name for cabergoline which i understand has less sides than prami.

I will try to see if i can get tren a but i think the cost for 400mg per week for 12 may be out of my budget.