3rd cycle advice welcomed


New member
Current stats 28yo/195lbs/6'/15%bf

1-18 Test E @ 500
1-16 deca @ 300
1-4 dbol @ 20
1-4 Anadrol @ 25
13-18 winstrol @ 50
Liquid stane as needed
Liquid prami as needed

Clomid @ 50/50/25/25
Nolva. @ 40/20/20/20

Heard good things about stacking Anadrol and dbol going to give it a shot.

Anyone know a good dose for the liquid prami ?
how long after the cycle are you PCTing?

an AI is always needed, so what's your dose going to be for the full cycle?
Two cycles and you are only 195 lbs at 15% BF? What did you start at before using AAS?

Why such a low dose of Deca?

What liver support will you run?
I've been off for awhile .... I was 180 lbs when started my goals have not been to put on a lot of bulk.... Now it is.... I know deca carries a lot of sides want to ease into it
You dont need AAS. You can make lots of Natty gains still. Sounds like you just need to correct your diet and training.