3rd cycle and psl question...


I am banned!
hey guys, been out of scene for a while. got married 6 months ago, expecting my first kid and now thinking of doing my 3rd cycle, was looking to get some info from you guys and i hope this isn't breaking any of the forum rules.

age 27
h 5'9
w 182
bf 13-15

first cycle was a disaster because i had 0 knowledge of how to cycle so i ended it early till i got everything, did my pct waited the usual cycle+pct= time off

2nd cycle ( won the contest and got 3j for diet, best thing ever) gear was OP and had great results.
test 600 mg a week 1-12
dboll 60 mg week 1-5
adex .25 week 1-3 and 0.5 from week 3-12
hcg 1000 ui a week till week 12
pct climid and nolva 100/100/50/50 40/40/20/20

i have two questions:

1) I'm looking into PSl ( since so many members here vouch for it) and i really like their Tes250/deca200Mg combo, i hate injecting too much. has anyone tried this before and how is the PIP? iv read here that most mixed gear pip is horrible?

2) My cycle

Test 600 Mg week 1-16(psl)
Deca 400-500 week 1-14(Psl)
anavar 80-100 mg( going to start with 80 and taper it up if i think i need to) week 1-7 (PSL)
Adex 0.25 day one till end of cycle(taper it up based on how much i need)
Hcg 1000ui week 1-15
Parmi (Rui)

pct climid and nova.(RUI)

Goal to add 15 lb of lean mass. i know diet is 95% and i will def have that checked in as I'm thinking of speaking to 3j.

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1) I'm looking into PSl ( since so many members here vouch for it) and i really like their Tes250/deca200Mg combo, i hate injecting too much. has anyone tried this before and how is the PIP? iv read here that most mixed gear pip is horrible?

there's just as many members that wouldn't touch PSL with a 10 foot pole as well. It's just that the ones that get free AAS are more vocal than the ones looking to give fair balance of opinion....on a site heavily sponsored by PSL...
Iv never used psl before, first cycle was eurochem and second cycle i went to optimum, both of these companies were great however i did find eurochem not soo great as most people would of described. But any insight on what i asked would br great, thanks onk.
hCG should be used Weeks 1-18 (stop three days before PCT starts)

How much adex per week?

I don't like blends. I would much rather have test and Deca separately so you can change the ratios if desired?

I can't comment on PSL. Never used them. Some guys love them and others hate them. If you had success with another lab in the past, why not continue using them?

P.S. only add one new compound in a cycle. You have ever used anavar or Deca so choose just one of them.
Thanks megatron for the reply.
So ill keep dbol , test and add deca with that.
Adex would be used eod 0.25mg so about .75mg a week.

The only reason i chose the blend was so that i wont need to inject 2 ml twice a week and i could inject 2 ml in total per week.
Thanks megatron for the reply.
So ill keep dbol , test and add deca with that.
Adex would be used eod 0.25mg so about .75mg a week.

The only reason i chose the blend was so that i wont need to inject 2 ml twice a week and i could inject 2 ml in total per week.

You just draw the test and Deca into the same syringe so you can inject both at the same time.

But if the blend has test E or C it should still be injected twice a week.
I understand, i havent gotten it yet was looking into it. Ill get them separate. Does the cycle look fine and dosage?
In my honest opinion man, if you're looking to bulk just run Tren. Best bulker that also gets you cut and strong as fuck.

And I can vouch for PSL, ordered many many times and not disappointed at all
In my honest opinion man, if you're looking to bulk just run Tren. Best bulker that also gets you cut and strong as fuck.

And I can vouch for PSL, ordered many many times and not disappointed at all

id love to try tren but afraid of those crazy side effects people have. if u have tried it which would u recommend Tren a or E?
decided to take out deca and add dboll as kick start and end the cycle (6-7 weeks) with anavar.
obv ill keep test.
iv noticed i got great gains with dbol , hate the bloating but before i start I'm going to cut the body fat down to 10-11% and then do this cycle hoping to keep my diet in check and stay as lean as possible.
You don't need Tren for your 3rd cycle. If that dude likes it more power to him. Don't ever do Tren JUST BECAUSE some guy tells you too. More people than not can handle Tren from what I've seen n heard.

My self I've done cycles with Tren and I just can't handle it. You can do what you want without the harshness of that compound. You will know when or if you ever get ready to do Tren.

Stay with this forum and read and listen. You've been around so keep reading... Good Luck you know we're here to help.

To answer the Q's of Tren E or A. Except for pinning Ace is better so you can adjust or stop if you're not getting it right on point. If you don't like pining then I don't think you are ready like I aid for Tren.
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1) I'm looking into PSl ( since so many members here vouch for it) and i really like their Tes250/deca200Mg combo, i hate injecting too much. has anyone tried this before and how is the PIP? iv read here that most mixed gear pip is horrible?

Not a fan of blends myself... you don't know the ratio is exactly as it should be, and I prefer to mix them myself and keep the flexibility to adjust dosages in my hands should I need it.

As for PSL... some love them, some hate them, and for good reason.
My experience is that the oils are 'usually' decent, but the orals have often been substandard.

Do your own research and make your own informed decisions!
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You don't need Tren for your 3rd cycle. If that dude likes it more power to him. Don't ever do Tren JUST BECAUSE some guy tells you too. More people than not can handle Tren from what I've seen n heard.

My self I've done cycles with Tren and I just can't handle it. You can do what you want without the harshness of that compound. You will know when or if you ever get ready to do Tren.

Stay with this forum and read and listen. You've been around so keep reading... Good Luck you know we're here to help.

To answer the Q's of Tren E or A. Except for pinning Ace is better so you can adjust or stop if you're not getting it right on point. If you don't like pining then I don't think you are ready like I aid for Tren.
Good points made on the tren beast Mike. I've never gotten any freebies from PSL, except for when my order got seized at customs and they sent me an extra vial for the added wait of reship. But I can testify their gear IS legit from blood tests taken while on.
decided to take out deca and add dboll as kick start and end the cycle (6-7 weeks) with anavar.
obv ill keep test.
iv noticed i got great gains with dbol , hate the bloating but before i start I'm going to cut the body fat down to 10-11% and then do this cycle hoping to keep my diet in check and stay as lean as possible.

Two orals?

Ouch! My liver! (said in Beavis voice).
If you're going to run dbol then var, I'd suggest shortening the dbol to 4 weeks, give your liver a little break, get bloods to make sure everything's ok, then finish with the var. Plus lots of liver protwction/detoxification as said above.

On PSL, i buy their products and am currently running one thing now. I do have one product I'll never buy from them again. I threw away a vial and a half because the pip was so horrible. Could have been a bad batch, I don't know cause I'll never buybit again to test it. Edit: I'll ad that idid blood work and the test levels were gtg, I just got to where I couldn't stand to inject it e4d and hobble around until time for next injection, then hobble aroind with other site hurting.
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there's just as many members that wouldn't touch PSL with a 10 foot pole as well. It's just that the ones that get free AAS are more vocal than the ones looking to give fair balance of opinion....on a site heavily sponsored by PSL...

Who would you prefer to go with then?
PSL products are great!
I've used several different injectables from their europharm and enorm pharm. I've also used their dbol. All with great results.
The t400 and prop are smooth as the other oil products I've used from them. I've also used their cialis and viagra. I like the cialis more.

Everything positive i ever say about PSL is from my personal experience with their products!

I have never been given any freebies. I just give my honest opinion on the exceptional products and service from PSL.