hey looking to start my 3rd cycle soon and just been so overwhelmed with everything ive been reading figured id make my own thread
Current status
Height - 5'9
Weight - 210
BF - 8-9%
My cycle would be a 16week cycle.
1-16 test e - 800mg
1-8 eq 800mg
8-16 tren e 400mg
1-5 dbol 50mg ed
1-16 aromasin 12.5mg eod
1-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu x2 a week
then 14days after my last shot start pct 100/100/50/50 nolvadex 40/40/20/20
my question is with my test i have test-e 500mg/ml i was curious since this is a long ester cycle if i could pin monday and thrusday 500mg monday of test then on thursday 300.
this is my current status (taken last month)i've been off for almost 10 months now so i could be off with my bf%
View attachment 552797
Current status
Height - 5'9
Weight - 210
BF - 8-9%
My cycle would be a 16week cycle.
1-16 test e - 800mg
1-8 eq 800mg
8-16 tren e 400mg
1-5 dbol 50mg ed
1-16 aromasin 12.5mg eod
1-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu x2 a week
then 14days after my last shot start pct 100/100/50/50 nolvadex 40/40/20/20
my question is with my test i have test-e 500mg/ml i was curious since this is a long ester cycle if i could pin monday and thrusday 500mg monday of test then on thursday 300.
this is my current status (taken last month)i've been off for almost 10 months now so i could be off with my bf%
View attachment 552797