3rd cycle idea, advice appreciated


New member
hey looking to start my 3rd cycle soon and just been so overwhelmed with everything ive been reading figured id make my own thread

Current status
Height - 5'9
Weight - 210
BF - 8-9%

My cycle would be a 16week cycle.

1-16 test e - 800mg
1-8 eq 800mg
8-16 tren e 400mg
1-5 dbol 50mg ed
1-16 aromasin 12.5mg eod
1-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250iu x2 a week

then 14days after my last shot start pct 100/100/50/50 nolvadex 40/40/20/20

my question is with my test i have test-e 500mg/ml i was curious since this is a long ester cycle if i could pin monday and thrusday 500mg monday of test then on thursday 300.

this is my current status (taken last month)i've been off for almost 10 months now so i could be off with my bf%
View attachment 552797
Personally I would split the shots evenly monday and thursday or even split them mon/wed/fri to maintain more stable blood levels.
Also I would run the EQ the entire 16 weeks as you won't see the max benefits of eq until around week 8. I am running almost the exact same cycle(600mgs instead of 800mgs) and my EQ is only starting to materialize at week 9. I got the hunger around week 4-5 but body changes like hardness and vascularity are only starting now. Its an amazing combo for a cycle and I am loving it to no end.
the cypionate ester can be injected every 3 or 4 days with no drop, Friday Morning / Monday Night or every 3.5 days is very good on C or E , more frequent with that ester is not necessary
Simply google Pharmacokinetics for the ester and see graphs