I'm 24 years old, 190cm, 102kg atm (been having shitty last few weeks, didnt eat and train as I normally do - usually I'm around 105kg).
Mon - Back, calves
Thu - Chest, abs
Wed - rest / cardio
Thr - Quads, Hams
Fri - Arms
Sat - Delts, traps
Sun - rest
Diet :
1. 8 eggs, grits, animal PAK
2. pasta, tuna
3. red meat + potato / rice
4. chicken, rice
5. fish
6. chicken, rice
7. cottage cheese
+ I've throw protein shake or two, usually after training.
My first cycle was: 400mg propi, 200mg deca . 2nd cycle , 6months after first: 500mg cyp, 400mg EQ , 25mg Dbol .
I have in mind for my next cycle :
1-4 Anadrol 50mg ED
1-12 500mg Sustanon EW
1-12 400mg Deca EW
1-12 Proviron 50mg WD
8-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Pregnyl 1000 once a week
1-2 Nolva
3-4 Clomid
Any suggestions?
I'm 24 years old, 190cm, 102kg atm (been having shitty last few weeks, didnt eat and train as I normally do - usually I'm around 105kg).
Mon - Back, calves
Thu - Chest, abs
Wed - rest / cardio
Thr - Quads, Hams
Fri - Arms
Sat - Delts, traps
Sun - rest
Diet :
1. 8 eggs, grits, animal PAK
2. pasta, tuna
3. red meat + potato / rice
4. chicken, rice
5. fish
6. chicken, rice
7. cottage cheese
+ I've throw protein shake or two, usually after training.
My first cycle was: 400mg propi, 200mg deca . 2nd cycle , 6months after first: 500mg cyp, 400mg EQ , 25mg Dbol .
I have in mind for my next cycle :
1-4 Anadrol 50mg ED
1-12 500mg Sustanon EW
1-12 400mg Deca EW
1-12 Proviron 50mg WD
8-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Pregnyl 1000 once a week
1-2 Nolva
3-4 Clomid
Any suggestions?