3rd cycle - need suggestions


New member

I'm 24 years old, 190cm, 102kg atm (been having shitty last few weeks, didnt eat and train as I normally do - usually I'm around 105kg).

Mon - Back, calves
Thu - Chest, abs
Wed - rest / cardio
Thr - Quads, Hams
Fri - Arms
Sat - Delts, traps
Sun - rest

Diet :
1. 8 eggs, grits, animal PAK
2. pasta, tuna
3. red meat + potato / rice
4. chicken, rice
5. fish
6. chicken, rice
7. cottage cheese
+ I've throw protein shake or two, usually after training.

My first cycle was: 400mg propi, 200mg deca . 2nd cycle , 6months after first: 500mg cyp, 400mg EQ , 25mg Dbol .

I have in mind for my next cycle :
1-4 Anadrol 50mg ED
1-12 500mg Sustanon EW
1-12 400mg Deca EW
1-12 Proviron 50mg WD
8-12 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Pregnyl 1000 once a week

1-2 Nolva
3-4 Clomid

Any suggestions?
A suggestion I have, is in the beginning of the cycle, the first 4 weeks of Anadrol area, is that you eat 1.5 times the amount of food you are planning on. Then when you drop the Anadrol, you can cut your food intake down. Overall that looks good. I don't know if you need to run both Nolva and clomid for a PCT.