3rd cycle. need your guys critique


New member
alright fellas,

i am looking to round up a stack for the new year. been over a year since i have touched anabolics.
hope you guys can help me finalize everything.

week 1-12 or 14
Test E @ 500mg/week OR i was thinking of using T400 or even T500

week 1-4
Dbol @ 20-40mg/day

week 8-12 or 10-14
var @ 50-80mg/day

2 weeks after last shot of Test of 4-6weeks
clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 50/50/25/25

not sure if i need HCG... and i know ill need AI to keep bloating to a minimal considering the amount of test+dbols. (aromasin or adex?)

any help would be greatly appreciated. nothing is final as i still have some time to tweak the stack for 2016.