3rd cycle. Suggestions and Criticism welcome (:


New member
Hello, I forgot the password to my old account, so I look like a noob now with 1 post :hahano:But i starting a new cycle and wanted some suggestions :)
I've already went shopping and will be pursuing a strict diet plan that was laid out by my boss (placed 1st in comps). I'm still too scared to inject the tren so I came across oral from a source and figured I'd give it a try, it really shouldn't be stacked with deca so I tried to spread them apart. Just looking for any tips or suggestions :) Here's the cycle!

Week 1-10: Test E 600mg/wk
Week 1-3: Dbol 50mg/day
Week 1-3: Oral Tren 500mcg/day
Week 3-8: Deca 400mg/wk
Week 8-11: Oral Tren 500mcg/day
Week 8-11: Clomid 50mg/day

(Should I throw in Nolva wk8-11?)
Yes, Nolva and Clomid combined create the most powerful PCT. You should also consider running HCG.

You should post your stats, training and cycle history so the vets can provide input, especially oral tren which I know nothing about.
Well my first cycle was very light, my friend talked me into it. It was just dbol + clomid, no test base so wasn't very effective. My 2nd cycle was Test E for 10 wk at 1000mg/wk and dbol 50mg for 4-5weeks with clomid. I'm 5"10 155lbs. Very low BF % my muscles are completed shredded and im just looking for a cycle to put some mass on my arms, being defined is awesome but i was gain some size and then shred it naturally.
Okay man, those two first cycles are fucked. You recognize the issue with the first one but I have never heard of anyone running test-e for the first time at 1000mg/week. And you are suppose to run test for a minimum of 12 weeks as well.

Did you recover properly, get bloodwork checked? Because at 5'10, 155lbs you could make progress naturally with diet adjustments but again this depends on my first question. I'll leave the rest of this up to some vets that want to chime in and know far more than me.

Just curious man, how old are you?
I'm guessing you are young so I'm going to be as polite as possible b/c really we all need to learn at sometime.

You are no where near the level that tren is needed. Test E only at 500/wk is all you need to grow...that plus FOOD. You actually don't need any juice at this point but I can already tell you are probably going to do it anyway (and actually you could make good progress with much less than 500/wk).

Oral tren is very liver toxic and i wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

First cycle of test was at 1g/wk with dbol? Probably without an AI? That's an estrogen mess waiting to happen
Stick around and do more learning including reading all the stickies in the anabolic forum. Hire 3J for your diet and not some dbag that does well in contest that tells you to take tren.

It's shocking how many guys are decent rural bodybuilders that actually don't know what the hell they're doing. They look good b/c of lots of drugs, years of training, and a few good nutritional practices with decent genetics but most of what they know is bad broscience
Stick around and do more learning including reading all the stickies in the anabolic forum. Hire 3J for your diet and not some dbag that does well in contest that tells you to take tren.

It's shocking how many guys are decent rural bodybuilders that actually don't know what the hell they're doing. They look good b/c of lots of drugs, years of training, and a few good nutritional practices with decent genetics but most of what they know is bad broscience

So... would you suggest me to drop the oral tren and do 12 weeks of test E+deca ?
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That would be a much better choice but of course you'd need to run test a couple more weeks than deca.

Deca is a 19nor so it's a completely different animal with different sides and you need to take the necessary precautions. I'd start with a low dose and slowly work your way up.

PCT should be started much later than what you have listed as well. First lets layout a proper cycle and then figure out pct timing for Nolva and Clomid.
HCG should be run throughout cycle up until your first pct dose @ 500iu/wk split into 2
Have prami/caber on hand just in case
Run arimidex/aromasin throughout cycle to keep estrogen in check
Get bloodwork done pre/during/post cycle
That would be a much better choice but of course you'd need to run test a couple more weeks than deca.

Deca is a 19nor so it's a completely different animal with different sides and you need to take the necessary precautions. I'd start with a low dose and slowly work your way up.

PCT should be started much later than what you have listed as well. First lets layout a proper cycle and then figure out pct timing for Nolva and Clomid.
HCG should be run throughout cycle up until your first pct dose @ 500iu/wk split into 2
Have prami/caber on hand just in case
Run arimidex/aromasin throughout cycle to keep estrogen in check
Get bloodwork done pre/during/post cycle

I decided to completely drop Deca, until more properly informed, having to run it for 14-16 weeks without the right PCT and precaution knowledge isn't a smart idea. So I'm thinking 15wk Test E, oral tren, dbol, clom+nolva.
U are coming off as a noob regardless of your post count. Flush the oral tren. Injectable tren is toxic enough so why mess with oral tren? Go read the stickys. Read the beginner cycle one.
Dude, you have your PCT scheduled to run at the same time as you are running tren and test. That contradicts the title PCT.
You never answered your age?
IMHO you have no business running gear at 5-10, 155lbs. That sounds like my stats when I graduated USMC boot camp at the tender age of 17.