3rd Cycle -- Test/Deca w/ Dbol start

I am about to start my third cycle in April, introducing Deca this time around. I would like more experienced eyes to look over the plan so I can tweak anything before getting started. I have done two 12 week cycles of 500 test, second time had a dbol kickstart. I have done this same PCT each time with Aromasin throughout cycle and have had no side effects. I am 230 at 5'10" with about 15% bodyfat, not huge.

Weeks 1-16 Test E 500mg/week
Weeks 1-14 Deca 400mg/week
Weeks 1-4 DBol 40mg/daily
Weeks 1-18 HCG 500iu/weekly
Aromasin 10mg ED until PCT

Weeks 19-22 Clomid 50mg/daily
Weeks 19-22 Nolva 20mg/daily

Because of my higher bodyfat (I'm looking for sport strength, not physique) I'm slightly worried about higher aromatization with Deca, or if the PCT is aggressive enough. It worked fine on test only, but Deca is new to me. I have seen some PCTs doubling Clomd and Nolva dosage for the first two weeks, back to 50/20 for the second two weeks. Should I consider this, or even a higher Aromasin dosage throughout cycle? I have extra Nolva to combat any gyno related sides but should I have anything else on hand? I have also seen some cycles here being ran with higher ratios of test to deca, is going up to 750 test something I should consider? What about HCG? I see some people running 100IUs weekly rather than 500.

That's a good handful of questions to bombard you with, but any input is appreciated.
add Prami and have it on hand just in case Prolactin issues come up while running Deca.. If this PCT worked just fine for you last time then it should work this time, Deca does not shut you down 'more' then test does, shut down is shut down no matter the compound (the main difference is deca can be in your system for several weeks).
you can up the test to 750 but all that means is you'll be having more sides and aromatization to deal with, its just going to depend where YOUR bodies point of diminishing returns is , we are all different , got to dial in what works for you
I'm 27, and I can definitely locate some Prami. Is it better to keep this on hand for sides or to run ED alongside the Aromasin? I have seen it used both ways, and will search around a little for some details. I would rather not up the test unless it's absolutely necessary to work well with deca, and to prevent sides like deca dick. I like simply adding or changing one thing per cycle, I wouldn't want to both add in Deca and increase test if not needed.
I'm 27, and I can definitely locate some Prami. Is it better to keep this on hand for sides or to run ED alongside the Aromasin? I have seen it used both ways, and will search around a little for some details. I would rather not up the test unless it's absolutely necessary to work well with deca, and to prevent sides like deca dick. I like simply adding or changing one thing per cycle, I wouldn't want to both add in Deca and increase test if not needed.

Prami can be some harsh stuff and make you sick to your stomach ,, I would just keep it on hand in case you need it, not take it every day.

As for the test dosage and making sure its high enough to prevent deca dick,, well as long as you are staying on top of of controlling estrogen and prolactin does not go high, you should have no issues at all. Heck, I've ran low doses of Test (200mg) with high doses of Nandrolone (npp+deca at 800 mg per week) with no issues at all.

the whole 'deca dick' thing comes from back in the day when guys ran deca with no test at all as a base, and from guys who ran deca and test and never used an AI. Your not doing either of these things and your planning on staying on top of your AI so you will be fine. So run whatever amount of testosterone your comfortable with, don't need to worry about any test-to-deca ratio
I'll leave it to the more educated to answer your questions about your cycle. But the test deca dbol stack is pretty kick *ss!! Thats what I'm doing right now. Well minus the dbol I ran it for the first six weeks at only 20 mg a day. Good luck bro. And as long as you're eating, training right with adequate rest. You will grow like a weed and get awesome strength gains.