4 month bulking


bulking up
whats up bros this pic is after 4 months of bulking and working my ass off. i gained about 40 pounds during this time and gained 50 lbs in bench and 70lbs in squat. feel free to critique me. p.s- yes i know i have a gut.
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Who cares if you have a gut? If you don't have a gut after bulking, then that means you fucked up and didn't bulk right. Anyway, good progress. If I were you, I'd cut back down to 10 or 12% and get started on bulking again as soon as possible.
Yeah, 40 lbs in 4 months is good - that's like 2 pounds a week, right?

My wife has the same phone, by the way.
thanks alot bros. As far as how i gained those 40 lbs is just basically eating alot and hitting the weights hard 4 times a week. i used creatine mono, elite whey protein, orasten e for 5 wks, and m1t for last 3 wks and currently on pct. oh yeah penut butter help out alot.