Prolactin 8 ug/L (<15)
Estradiol 195 pmol/L (<150)
Test 59 nmol/L (5.0-25.0) -----> converts 1700 ng/dL
Free Test 2548 pmol/L (150-700) ---> converts to 200 ng/dL
SHBG 4nmol/L (13-71)
Took it right before next injection so at the lowest of the "trough"
4 weeks in, on
test e 250 E3.5D
HCG 250iu E3.5D
dbol 50mg/day (getting off dbol kickstart in a week)
aromasin 12.5mg EOD
Should I adjust AI dosage? no sides atm, haven't feel the "superman" feel when people say test kicked in. Getting some insomnia at night.
How about AI when i am off dbol?
low SHBG a concern?
Prolactin 8 ug/L (<15)
Estradiol 195 pmol/L (<150)
Test 59 nmol/L (5.0-25.0) -----> converts 1700 ng/dL
Free Test 2548 pmol/L (150-700) ---> converts to 200 ng/dL
SHBG 4nmol/L (13-71)
Took it right before next injection so at the lowest of the "trough"
4 weeks in, on
test e 250 E3.5D
HCG 250iu E3.5D
dbol 50mg/day (getting off dbol kickstart in a week)
aromasin 12.5mg EOD
Should I adjust AI dosage? no sides atm, haven't feel the "superman" feel when people say test kicked in. Getting some insomnia at night.
How about AI when i am off dbol?
low SHBG a concern?