40/40/20 ratio foods . I think i found it !!!


New member
I know i started a thread on this a little bit ago . But i think i may have finally found it ... Check out these stats .... they taste good too .
Where can I get this? 28g protein bagel....Nice. Tbrow a chicken breast on it and ya got dinner!
They make some bread that may have a similar nutritional content as well. Toated up with some peanut butter on it.....mmmmmm.
I love breads! I wish they didn't make me all watery, puffy, and feel like crap..

Pasta and cereals do the same thing too..

I know i started a thread on this a little bit ago . But i think i may have finally found it ... Check out these stats .... they taste good too .

wow when you calculate it out, accounting for 4 calories per gram of protein and 4 per gram of carbs and 9 calories per gram of fat,, it comes out pretty close to 40/40/20.

not sure this would really be considered a naturally occurring food though. a lot of breads are man made conconctions with lots of different ingredients . but if thats the ratio your looking for without having to put a concoction together yourself, that works.

again, in nature there does not exist a 40/40/20 ratio food (that I'm aware of)… nature usually gives us high protein with fat, or high carb with fat,, but never high carb with high protein and low fat.
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