40 this April and want to do it right!


New member
Hello All,

I'm turning 40 this April, want to be in the best physical shape I've ever been in. Tried anavar a few years back and it did EXACTLY what I was looking for. Went back to that source and being uninformed and knowing that labs get knocked off so frequently, I received fake packets. Every identifiable thing I can find on them indicate they are dbol packaged as Var. I didn't open them, just referring to the fake label.

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Brother If I were you I would edit or delete that thread before the forum pitbulls come on and maul you.
You have one post here and the first one is asking for a source which is a huge NO NO here. Sorry you got fake gear, name of the game..spend what you are willing to lose.
Oral only cycles are for women... men need test as a base because everything shuts you down and you need test to function as a male. Good thing you got fake gear because you would be making a big mistake!
Sometimes the truth right in front on you the whole time and not noticed. These forum page are loaded with top quality sponsor who will not lead you astray.
U did violate the no asking for sources rule---never ever ask in the open, OK. After 50 posts u can ask some friends.....

No worries though
