40 year old newbie looking for help in my journey to being back again


New member
Hi I'm new here I'm 40 years old and would love to learn and German help in my journey I weigh 270 and out of shape I just started eating clean now and going to the gym. I'm looking to try dmz, dmz mass and Blackstones pct please help me if this is a good choice for a combination or if there is anything better thanks in advance.

If you're just starting out I recommend only diet and exercise. I'd hold off on the pro hormones for a while.
Welcome to the site! What are your stats, bf%, cycle history, blood work etc. ? If you just started going to the gym you should wait and learn more and focus on your diet as many here will tell you. Your still out of shape and you want to start doing AAS? Best to do it right bro.
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Hey bro, and welcome to the 40+ club. I'm 42 and look and feel better than I ever have. I learned what I know about diet and fitness on this board. So hang around and be a sponge...soak it up bro. Soak it up. A lot of good info to take from here.
Welcome zum Steroidology mienen freund. !

Da sind viele gute leute hier das werde sie hilfen aber pro hormone s sind nicht eienen gutes plan zum anfangen.
Erst fit.
Dan echtes hormonen nehmen.
Mienen deutsch ist sehr schlecht aber es freud mich das sie hier sind.

Ich bin 52 und das bild ist 1 monat alt. Gutes essen, viel eiwies und ja..hormone von mienen doktor. (und andere ausland Aphoteke naturlich)

Langsam anfangen ist immer best, gel ?
Wie gross bist du ?
Wie lange hast du traniert ?
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