Ostarine PCT?? Please help


New member
Hello everyone, this is my first post here. I am looking for some genuine advice. Please do not troll me or flame me because this is my health that we will be discussing.
So I have been interested in getting a new boost in the gym and I am trying to cut fat for summer. I have never taken anything besides cresting lol. I am about to order some Ostarine.
What is the best cycle, dosage? I'm thinking 40mg ed for 8 weeks. Then a pct for 4 weeks? 40/40/20/20?
My biggest concern is suppression. I will not be taking test while on ost. I do realize it causes suppression but then after I take pct everything should be good to go, correct? Well anyway what PCT is recommended?
Is it possible to take a PCT while taking osta.. I really want to lessen the side effects. I just started a new relationship with a real hottie and I don't want her to be disappointed in the bedroom. Will taking blue ox during the cycle help keep my nuts normal during the cycle??
Does it make no sense at all to take nova or clomid while on osta or should that be saved for purely pct?
I really just want to keep the boys hanging and not have them turn into raisins. Also will taking osta have any long term effects on getting it up??
I don't care how ripped I'll get from taking it- if its going to cause any serious damage down there then I don't wanna take it.

Although I am a beginner and very naive when it comes to arms, I have been lifting for a little bit (3 years) and i am not a noob lol.
my main goal is to get cut up for the summer and get rid of this belly I have. Although I would say I am in good shape. It seems as if my stomach is always bloated.. like I have a beer belly but at the same time Im not considered fat. I will keep a very strict diet during the cycle and cut out all beer lol. I will also be doing cardio- running and swimming 4-5 times a week as well as lifting.

Current stats-
Height- 6'0
Weight- 185-192 (fluctuates)
Bf- I have no idea.. but id say 10-15% considering how flabby my stomach looks.

Bench- 245- 10 reps
deadlift-225- sucks i know
squat-bout 225 too- sucks I know
shoulder press- 85db

Please guys, I appreciate any genuine helpful advice..